auto BHH and friends

I'm very flattered, but I cannot see you as something other than sprites on my monitor. It could never work between us.

Thanks for the thought anyway.
Generally the scripts are attached by the author in the first post, but this is an old thread and a few scripters have taken up the project.

In this case, the latest verion that was posted is here.

You will also need canadv.ash and zlib.ash

It might take a little bit of work to figure out, maybe someone who is more familiar with it than I am can help you out.

EDIT: see an explanation here, or simply try entering call bounty.ash in the gCLI for instructions.
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One command I use fairly often is bounty list. That just shows you what the 3 are, and you can decide from there whether or not you want to accept any of them. For example, if you're farming in the Giant Castle anyways, you may just want to wait for Raver bounties. Or if you're working on Muscle in the paintings, you may want to just do hoof bounties. Saves some time. :)

I see you've added putty functionality - I was just reading through the code, and though I think it would be almost the same as puttying, I don't see it... is there a way to get it to automatically sniff monsters with the manual of olfactication, if you already have the manual?

Might speed up future bounty runs... hmm...

If there really isn't, I might give it a go...
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This script won't putty monsters at all.

The puttying is done by your CCS and betweenBattleScript. FTF putties the monster, but it then requires BBB to use the putty. Get Best Between Battle here.

I am able to get it to putty the monster using a CCS, but it putties it again on the last needed one. Is there a way to set the CCS to not putty the 'last' one? Now that SmartStasis uses BatBrain instead of FTF, do I need to use FTF instead?

Also, is there a way to code in the use of the Fax machine?
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You can take a look at this thread for how to use faxbot in a script.

Regarding a CLI "faxbot" command, Lost submitted a patch as a result of this feature request. It is the next thing I want to try to add the Mafia, but I'm short on time for the next few weeks, probably.
OK, utilizing the posts you gave me, I am able to create the script to fax in the monster I want (and use it which will fire up FtF and putty it, then BBB will take over and finish the bounty), I am trying to figure out if there is a variable that I can utilize within bounty that already has the MOB name, or if I need to look it up based on the item?

Basically my path is:
Bounty accept small
bounty 1 (You need to adv once in the correct location for FtF and BBB to pick up on the bounty monster)
Fax monster
use photocopied monster (having FtF in my CCS, and BBB defined as the betweenbattle Script)
bounty * (this will get the lucre, or if it is a larger than putty bounty finish it)
If you already import bounty.ash in your script, you can do this:
import "bounty.ash";

monster [ int ] bounty_monsters()
	monster [ int ] bounty_monsters;

	rebountify( "bhh.php" );
	if ( count( bopts ) > 1 )
		print( "You are not on a bounty yet.", "red" );
		return bounty_monsters;

	foreach i, mon in bounty[ bopts[ 0 ] ].where.get_monsters()
		if ( item_drops( mon ) contains bopts[ 0 ] )
			bounty_monsters[ count( bounty_monsters ) ] = mon;

	return bounty_monsters;

foreach i, mon in bounty_monsters() print( mon );

This bounty_monsters() function returns a map with all the monsters that drop your current bounty.

Thanks to everyone that helped to develop this. This will fax in the appropriate MOB for the small bounties (the ones that you can putty). If you utilize BBB and FtF, it will complete the bounties for you in very few advs. Since FaxBot doesn't use the full MOB name, I had to parse the names for the ones that are faxable. If it isn't in the list, it won't fax (*so if new ones are added, this will need to be updated*)

I use a simple series of commands in another script to call everything, have my BetweenBattle set to BBB, and my CCS has consult FtF in the default.

Bounty accept small
Bounty 1
Bounty *


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