Auto 2-day HCCS

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Umm, so on my second day the script tried to powerlevel, but it increases the monster level to such heights that I get 2-4 shotted. I still got stats because Uncle Gator's seems to be killing me after the combat ends. However, this caused the script to go on a powerleveling loop and it just wasted like 107 turns just doing that, and never, ever stopped. Just complained about running out of turns, and if I got more, it just continued powerleveling. What's going on there? It didn't try to do any services after the spell damage one...
Umm, so on my second day the script tried to powerlevel, but it increases the monster level to such heights that I get 2-4 shotted. I still got stats because Uncle Gator's seems to be killing me after the combat ends. However, this caused the script to go on a powerleveling loop and it just wasted like 107 turns just doing that, and never, ever stopped. Just complained about running out of turns, and if I got more, it just continued powerleveling. What's going on there? It didn't try to do any services after the spell damage one...

I think my request for a mood at that point should mitigate this issue. The problem is that it resets the number of turns it gives you to powerlevel each time you run the script. And it recasts all those ML buffs. So if you bomb out at this stage, it goes back and recasts all the ML buffs again, and then resets the number of turns. Wichich causes you to bomb out again, which resets the PL turns, etc.

I have fiddled with it a bit, but I am not sure what the answer is. Maybe the turns to PL needs to be saved in the state file?
I have a fix to that powerlevel issue (kind of, it doesn't make the count reset every time the script is run), I can push it to my Release and put in a pull request for Marluth. There were just a few more changes I wanted to make, but I'll push what I have now to mine. I can also implement the mood so it doesn't recast the buffs if you already have them.
I'm not sure why the +ML buffs are recasting because after the chateaucasts the script progresses to questStage 250, meaning that questStage 240 does not execute again. Regardless, I've made powerlevelmood actually do something (idk why it was just empty before). Also I made it so you should have some form of stench-res before powerleveling in Disney (it chooses a different zone otherwise) since the environmental damage is much easier to deal with when you have resistance to it (ie from Olfactory Burnout and Diminished Gag Reflex).
I've been finding that I don't have the 35 moxie for the hot resistance gear once the script is ready to do the hot test. Both this run and the last run I was at 32 moxie when 35 is required.

[241] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 4 Mana Points
You gain 111 Enchantedness

[241] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 110 Magicalness
You gain a Mysticality point!

[241] Rest in your bed in the Chateau
You gain 3 Mana Points
You gain 111 Magicalness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You can't equip a lava-proof pants
@jeff Try setting buyChateau to true in the relay settings. This will cause the script to use the moxie item in the chateau to get you to 35.
@jeff Try setting buyChateau to true in the relay settings. This will cause the script to use the moxie item in the chateau to get you to 35.

Thanks. As a side note, I still run out of MP a lot when it's trying to cast buffs. It would be great if the script could auto cast lots of Elemental Saucesphere or any of the other useful buffs while using up free rests. Doc Galaktik's Invigorating Tonic is also better meat/mp than soda water, which is what the script defaults to for restoring MP. (Also Magical mystery juice if you've opened the guild in order to access crackpot mystic for yellow puck, plus you're likely to get a tomato from the pantry out of it anyway.)

Another point I'd like to mention is that when doing the tests, if it interrupts midway due to a lack of MP and you manually restore Mp and reset it, the script will not check for the presence of a number of the potion effects and use another one, causing wastage and doubling up of the effect. It would be nice to add a quest step at each potion use so that resuming the script would not start again from the start of the test step. Another option would be to add the "if effect is not already active" tests before each potion use.
Thanks. As a side note, I still run out of MP a lot when it's trying to cast buffs. It would be great if the script could auto cast lots of Elemental Saucesphere or any of the other useful buffs while using up free rests. Doc Galaktik's Invigorating Tonic is also better meat/mp than soda water, which is what the script defaults to for restoring MP. (Also Magical mystery juice if you've opened the guild in order to access crackpot mystic for yellow puck, plus you're likely to get a tomato from the pantry out of it anyway.)

Another point I'd like to mention is that when doing the tests, if it interrupts midway due to a lack of MP and you manually restore Mp and reset it, the script will not check for the presence of a number of the potion effects and use another one, causing wastage and doubling up of the effect. It would be nice to add a quest step at each potion use so that resuming the script would not start again from the start of the test step. Another option would be to add the "if effect is not already active" tests before each potion use.

nice request but idk how hard to implement, in the other hand i think those scripts will be used even path gone from season since sweet karma anytime
using "soul food" can be a good MP restore, since running like Saucesors you can have acces to that!!! TY
also using antique acc instead toy can be usefull in overal MP burns

and tday i observe they ate a fortune instead a bisquit from volcano , since having spooky dog get a volcanoid in gene lab hunt, maybe i should ate before script start day 2
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So, I've been perming skills and junk in my seemingly never-ending quest to complete a 2-day HCCS run and the last two tries have always ended the same. Day 1 goes super duper fine (only hiccup is not reaching level 8 on the Chateau, but that should be solved now), day 2 seems to go alright with me needing to manually get jabañero peppers from the hermit but that's whatever. Eventually it says it ran out of adventures with 50 adventures and only the familiar weight, and -combat tests left.

I have most of the relevant IotM's (Chateau, Smiths, Winter Garden, Dinsey and Volcano charters, Deck, VIP, Fist Turkey, Shrub) and I have most of the skills described on github so I'm not sure what I'm missing or need to do. I do plan on buying a DNA Lab though but I doubt that's gonna fix everything. Maybe I need song of sauce not sure.

EDIT: Also it doesn't unlock the island if that means anything since Yojimbo's guide this is supposedly based on mentions unlocking it.
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EDIT: Also it doesn't unlock the island if that means anything since Yojimbo's guide this is supposedly based on mentions unlocking it.
The logic for deciding on unlocking the island is fairly complex. I have pretty much everything this script requires and most everything it uses. I'm missing dread skills and puckman. Everything works without hitch about 1/2 of the time. Sometimes when it fails, I can simply restart. Sometimes I need to do a few things and restart it (this is getting less common). Sometimes I'm just screwed (G-9 didn't drop thanks to avatar potions or ran out of meat). Then I drop to softcore, pull some stuff and restart. Today I ran out of meat powerleveling and simply forced the script to go on and it did and finished my run smoothly. What I'm saying is, don't expect too much. The script is impressive, but even if you have everything it needs the RNG or odd bugs can still get you. Also, I think it will get peppers automatically if you tell mafia to automatically buy from NPC stores. I know I never have to manually buy them.
The logic for deciding on unlocking the island is fairly complex. I have pretty much everything this script requires and most everything it uses. I'm missing dread skills and puckman. Everything works without hitch about 1/2 of the time. Sometimes when it fails, I can simply restart. Sometimes I need to do a few things and restart it (this is getting less common). Sometimes I'm just screwed (G-9 didn't drop thanks to avatar potions or ran out of meat). Then I drop to softcore, pull some stuff and restart. Today I ran out of meat powerleveling and simply forced the script to go on and it did and finished my run smoothly. What I'm saying is, don't expect too much. The script is impressive, but even if you have everything it needs the RNG or odd bugs can still get you. Also, I think it will get peppers automatically if you tell mafia to automatically buy from NPC stores. I know I never have to manually buy them.

Yeah, I think I may just follow the guide manually and see if I can 2-day with that. I dunno how the hell I'm gonna handle powerleveling though, like how many turns, etc. Oh well, I've had nothing but 3-dayers so far so what's another one.
Peppers are from the Hermit, who deals in worthless items, which makes him a Coinmaster, not an NPC store.
So, I've been perming skills and junk in my seemingly never-ending quest to complete a 2-day HCCS run and the last two tries have always ended the same. Day 1 goes super duper fine (only hiccup is not reaching level 8 on the Chateau, but that should be solved now), day 2 seems to go alright with me needing to manually get jabañero peppers from the hermit but that's whatever. Eventually it says it ran out of adventures with 50 adventures and only the familiar weight, and -combat tests left.

I have most of the relevant IotM's (Chateau, Smiths, Winter Garden, Dinsey and Volcano charters, Deck, VIP, Fist Turkey, Shrub) and I have most of the skills described on github so I'm not sure what I'm missing or need to do. I do plan on buying a DNA Lab though but I doubt that's gonna fix everything. Maybe I need song of sauce not sure.

EDIT: Also it doesn't unlock the island if that means anything since Yojimbo's guide this is supposedly based on mentions unlocking it.

Do you have the relevant Dread skills? They can help a decent amount. The DNA lab also cuts a decent number of turns. Also, which painting are you using in your chateau? The Dairy Goat or Sk8 Gnome? You can consider trying the Sk8 Gnome and seeing how that pans out for you.
Had the script finish my first two day run, so just dropping in to say thanks.

Also noting that I don't have Conspiracy Island, nor do I have any Dread skills, so the script can manage a two day run even without them. I do have a lot of other IOTMs though.

Gotta see if it'll manage to do it again or if I just got lucky this time.
Hi! Would you be able to run cc_snapshot so that we can see what you have? I'm still stuck on 3 day HC runs and I can't figure out how to improve. I even tried a SC run today and I juts finished my 2nd day with 50 adventures left to do 2 tasks, so it'll be a 3 day SC run.

There. Ran it aftercore, the only thing that it didn't detect correctly is my Order of The Green Thumb, so I have that too. Was out of turns so I can't unlock the the woods at the moment. Dunno if it matters because the script doesn't unlock the woods for me.

And yes; I have some weird perms here and there, and I'm missing most of AT's skills (which I really should work on next)

Also, the script completed another HC two day run for me today, but it was an extremely close one and I was left with zero turns.
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but it was an extremely close one and I was left with zero turns.

for me was run 138, almost to break my heart , but was happened bcs forgot to make true check before tests, and usualy before nighcap take few spleen and make 1-2 bag garbage for dinsey and +ML for day 2, also if i fix those all work nice
PS mising me CI, WG, dread skills and gameIn
PS2 my multi was a run where mis 2 turns to do 2 day runs
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