I made a bunch of changes to the script I downloaded a few weeks ago so that it can manage 2 day runs with what I have available, and since I finally had a run without at least one of my changes crashing on me I figured it's a good time to share.
*Handles puck man (/miss puck man), opens woods, gets/uses pixel star (there is no save state for this part on day 1, so be careful if it crashes there) - mostly stolen from cheesecookie
*Fixed a mood for powerlevelling, and improved equipment/buff/potion uses a little (I was dying a lot so had to make sure all the right stuff was being used)
*Plants stuff in powerlevel zone (+30 ml, cold damage, mp regen)
*saves turns powerlevelled in case there is an abort (so the script can just be restarted)
*haunted dog NCs (use chow on grill, get +%stats day 2, get but don't use stuff from the other NCs)
*many other small things that probably don't matter much but probably do something that I don't remember
I probably left some stupid stuff in there, but since it works I'm not feeling like making any more changes