Auto 2-day HCCS

Running HCCS Day 1...

Unable to invoke scripts/precheese.ash

Shit. If it helps it's unable to reach level 8 without me spending 1 turn resting in the Chateau so I dunno if that's it.
Another script set your betweenAdventureScript or betweenBattleScript:
cc_ascend.ash:  set_property("betweenAdventureScript", "scripts/precheese.ash");
cc_ascend.ash:  set_property("betweenBattleScript", "scripts/precheese.ash");
It's likely you can't auto adventure at all the way you have things set up. You can clear these two variables entering this into the CLI:
set betweenAdventureScript =
set betweenBattleScript =
Another script set your betweenAdventureScript or betweenBattleScript:
cc_ascend.ash:  set_property("betweenAdventureScript", "scripts/precheese.ash");
cc_ascend.ash:  set_property("betweenBattleScript", "scripts/precheese.ash");
It's likely you can't auto adventure at all the way you have things set up. You can clear these two variables entering this into the CLI:
set betweenAdventureScript =
set betweenBattleScript =
It still didn't fix it. Oh well, I redownloaded mafia and the scripts I actually still use (none of which should have any of those scripts). Unfortunately I gotta do the rest of the run manually but hopefully everything should be fine now.

Although out of curiosity how plausible is it to actually make a 2-dayer with only the minimum IotM's (Chateau, Smithsness, etc.), Winter Garden, and Dinseyland/Volcano? It'd suck to go through all this garbage just for it to be all "lol you can't even 2-day suck it dweeb".
Although out of curiosity how plausible is it to actually make a 2-dayer with only the minimum IotM's (Chateau, Smithsness, etc.), Winter Garden, and Dinseyland/Volcano? It'd suck to go through all this garbage just for it to be all "lol you can't even 2-day suck it dweeb".

If you have a winter garden + dinsey/volcano you'll not be in bad shape. I don't have CI or a spleen familiar and I get consistent 2-days with that setup plus a DNA lab.
Yeah it's still not working even though there's literally no other scripts that should have anything to do with recovering and pre/post battle stuff. It goes on until the 3rd test where it "Failed to generate enough adventures to complete test 9", I manually make 2 smith drinks, do the test and the script says "Autorecovery failed" and dies.

It also apparently never touches the painting since I had to YR the goat myself after it ate to 15 fullness. I could give a transcript of the CLI or something since I'm pretty much ready to give up since I can't think of a single good reason this doesn't want to work despite having pretty much everything it needs.
I had this error:

"Failed to get cherry from fruit baskets before running out of clovers."

As it was fairly easy to fix, you may want to add in getting a hermit permit from the general store and getting a clover from the hermit to try again at this point :)

Oh also, I've attempted to run it today (the second day of my run) and it's just saying "Day 1 complete!!", not sure how to change that.
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Yeah it's still not working even though there's literally no other scripts that should have anything to do with recovering and pre/post battle stuff. It goes on until the 3rd test where it "Failed to generate enough adventures to complete test 9", I manually make 2 smith drinks, do the test and the script says "Autorecovery failed" and dies.

It also apparently never touches the painting since I had to YR the goat myself after it ate to 15 fullness. I could give a transcript of the CLI or something since I'm pretty much ready to give up since I can't think of a single good reason this doesn't want to work despite having pretty much everything it needs.

Under the "HP/MP Usage" sub-tab in the Adventure tab, you likely have "stop if auto-recovery fails" selected, and are for whatever reason failing to recover. I also personally have mine set to stop if auto-recovery fails, but my recovery doesn't fail. Make sure you have Cannelloni Cocoon and allow it to be used.

I had this error:

"Failed to get cherry from fruit baskets before running out of clovers."

As it was fairly easy to fix, you may want to add in getting a hermit permit from the general store and getting a clover from the hermit to try again at this point :)

Oh also, I've attempted to run it today (the second day of my run) and it's just saying "Day 1 complete!!", not sure how to change that.

I was of the understanding that it always auto-looted the hermit by virtue of running breakfast each day. It always does for me.

As for "Day 1 complete!!" on day 2, it will do that if you leave KoLmafia open through rollover; logout and back in through KoLmafia to refresh your status and let KoLmafia know you are on day 2. (Or maybe just press KoLmafia's refresh button, I don't know, never tried it.)
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Great script you made here, ran quickly and flawlessly. I missed a 2-day run by 12 turns (presumably since I don't have CI), but I'm fairly sure it would manage it with a good margin if it just spent more turns powerleveling (looking at the code it seems to be hardcoded at 15, so I'll test it at >50 for my next run which should be more suitable).
I was of the understanding that it always auto-looted the hermit by virtue of running breakfast each day. It always does for me.

grabCloversHardcore has to be set to true. I don't know if it's that way by default, but if someone was doing Fist runs or something they might have it turned off.
Great script you made here, ran quickly and flawlessly. I missed a 2-day run by 12 turns (presumably since I don't have CI), but I'm fairly sure it would manage it with a good margin if it just spent more turns powerleveling (looking at the code it seems to be hardcoded at 15, so I'll test it at >50 for my next run which should be more suitable).

I don't have CI either and it always gets me the 2-day. CI would be a big help, of course, but it's not necessary. Be careful when increasing the turns to farm, since it casts all the buffs up-front before powerleveling (since it also spams chateau rests to level first, might as well use that MP then), and that is also just hardcoded to cast so you'll have enough for 15 turns. It's pretty poorly designed/coded, admittedly, and I dunno how many turns would be ideal to powerlevel.

grabCloversHardcore has to be set to true. I don't know if it's that way by default, but if someone was doing Fist runs or something they might have it turned off.

Yeah it occurred to me that it was probably a breakfast setting like five minutes after I posted that, and I patched the script to set that property to true soon after.
The script could manually grab clovers
hermit( 9999, $item[ten-leaf clover] )
(just to make sure you get them all) instead of changing settings on people.
i havent CI even not WG also havent dread skills
i use script once and somewhere they stop and i run manualy few spleen fams turns to get some spleen. run was end corectly in 2 days. next time i run eneterely auto and remain out of turn for last task , seemd 2-3 spleen from monkey can be enough to finish in 2 day too. any know how to add this in scrip? ty
ps im not programmer degree :)
also maybe board up the dog house, even they get some fams boost and other like but seems restart in powerlevel ...

need to say >>> great CS fer realy
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As a suggestion, can you add automation for Holiday Weight Gain? It's pretty useful for survival, and (potentially) saves nearly two adventures for the HP test.
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As a suggestion, can you add automation for Holiday Weight Gain? It's pretty useful for survival, and (potentially) saves nearly two adventures for the HP test.

That skill is only usable if you break ronin (making it not usable at all in this path) since it's too old for standard restrictions.
Through an unfortunate swing of RNG, I could only get a single clover on day one, and the fruit basket gave me not a single cherry. It seems like it would be better to continue on with the run anyway, but now I just get the error "Failed to get cherry from fruit baskets before running out of clovers.", and this seems to be a failure enough to scotch the run. Can the script be changed to continue on if it can't get a cherry, maybe adventuring at the skeleton store if that's turn-efficient? I know it won't necessarily get a 2 day run, but it's better than just stopping.

Edit: With the Halloweiner dog, the fifth adventure in the skeleton store gives 1 each of grapefruit, strawberry, cherry, orange and lemon. That might be ideal.
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observations , in my failure run , i see they not open island , idk if is an error, or must do manualy, or an improvement...ty
run 132 vs run 133
observations , in my failure run , i see they not open island , idk if is an error, or must do manualy, or an improvement...ty
run 132 vs run 133

It sometimes does the island, and sometimes does the skeleton store depending on where you are in respect to your semi-rare counter, doing the island a lot more often if you have CI.

Through an unfortunate swing of RNG, I could only get a single clover on day one, and the fruit basket gave me not a single cherry. It seems like it would be better to continue on with the run anyway, but now I just get the error "Failed to get cherry from fruit baskets before running out of clovers.", and this seems to be a failure enough to scotch the run. Can the script be changed to continue on if it can't get a cherry, maybe adventuring at the skeleton store if that's turn-efficient? I know it won't necessarily get a 2 day run, but it's better than just stopping.

Edit: With the Halloweiner dog, the fifth adventure in the skeleton store gives 1 each of grapefruit, strawberry, cherry, orange and lemon. That might be ideal.

Well that is kind of a problem if it happens; it uses the yellow ray on the hippy if you unlocked the island, so it would probably be very swingy on how long it takes to get a cherry from the skeletons if you don't have the Halloweiner dog, not to mention you already wasted all those turns unlocking the island and clovering for cherries. Maybe I'll add that as a backup if you have the dog. It seems rare enough that it may be best to leave it to manual control, though. (You can increment where the script starts from by modifying data/AutoHCCSvars.txt and increasing the "questStage" number by 1, if you want to bypass it; however it should bypass it automatically anyway if you have a cherry.)
Well that is kind of a problem if it happens; it uses the yellow ray on the hippy if you unlocked the island, so it would probably be very swingy on how long it takes to get a cherry from the skeletons if you don't have the Halloweiner dog, not to mention you already wasted all those turns unlocking the island and clovering for cherries. Maybe I'll add that as a backup if you have the dog. It seems rare enough that it may be best to leave it to manual control, though. (You can increment where the script starts from by modifying data/AutoHCCSvars.txt and increasing the "questStage" number by 1, if you want to bypass it; however it should bypass it automatically anyway if you have a cherry.)

Shouldn't the order of operations be:

0) Check to see if you have a cherry somehow...... If not then proceed.
1) check the free barrels; if no cherry then (FYI there is a barrel script here: )
2) Check for weiner dog and run the first five turns of the ascension in the skele store to get the wiener dog adventure (or you may want to do this anyway, depending on what the barrels give up)
3) If no weiner dog, go for the island
4) if STILL no love then back to the skele store
5) If still no love then the RNG hates you.

Unless I am missing another reason to open the island - beyond getting a cherry.

EDIT: I see in your script you are grabbing other potion ingredients. Still - The path above should be weighed against the at least 11 turns (or 6 turn differential to using the weiner) to get to where you can clover for fruit baskets.
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Unlocking the island is also useful for tomatoes (+50% all stats), olives (+100% moxie), and often allows you to get the semi-rare (eyedrops saving 2 turns), over getting the ingredients via the skeleton store. It's generally ideal to unlock the island for that reason, though I have it go to the skeleton store if the SR timing isn't going to work out. The skeleton store is also expected to take under 5 turns with a yellow ray anyway, so I wouldn't put the weiner dog as a priority for the logic. And it already won't adventure for fruit baskets or in the skeleton store if it already has all the ingredients it needs.

Thanks for letting me know of the barrel method though, definitely adding that in.