Auto 2-day HCCS

@guyy that's from rapid prototyping, which you can get on the mall for about 700k if you're interested. It's from last crimbo.
Rapid Prototyping. You can buy a Crimbot ROM: Rapid Prototyping in the mall for something like 600k and get 5 free crafts a day from now until the end of time. (I got mine by simply doing Crimbo last year, but, it's hardly out of reach for those who didn't do that.)
Oh, I see that Drenched in Lava is one of those negative effects that can't be easily removed. Stupid game.
Thanks, Croft. I'll be sure to implement most of those speedups/optimizations.

I had left the Eudora on PowerGamePro rather than planet Xi (whoops) for the first day, and switched it up for the second day. Not sure if this is related, but the script is now hanging trying to visit GamePro dungeon level 1 after that zone is finished.

Edited to add: This script is totes nifty for someone who is in the middle of changing cities and states, unpacking, and has even less time to play than Community Service might suggest. ;-) Even when it "breaks down" it still saves plenty of time and I can do the remaining services manually and terribly suboptimally.

Dang it. I thought I had (lazily) fixed that by making it use another GameInform magazine halfway through to reset it.

To be honest I'm not sure how to deal with Level 1 locking. I don't know when it locks nor how to detect it locking. My best guess for the moment is to just check the dungeon page's html to see if I can identify level 1 being closed that way, which I'll check tomorrow, but if not I'll be stumped.
To be honest I'm not sure how to deal with Level 1 locking. I don't know when it locks nor how to detect it locking. My best guess for the moment is to just check the dungeon page's html to see if I can identify level 1 being closed that way, which I'll check tomorrow, but if not I'll be stumped.

I'll look for the snarfblats for those zones for you and send you a Kmail in hopes that it will somehow be useful to you. Send me a Kmail (id# 48760) if there's something else you might require.
Need to unequip the light that never goes out before trying to pulverize it (in powerlevel()):

if (equipped_amount($item[A Light That Never Goes Out]) > 0)
	cli_execute("unequip a light that never goes out");
pulverize($item[A Light That Never Goes Out]);

It seems I don't have anywhere near enough stuff to finish in 2 days, though (26 adv left and still 2 tasks to go), so back to the other script for me...
You might want to let it be known that it's preferred to have foreign language tapes installed in the chateau. I just realized my last 2 runs with this script became 3 dayers due to this user error.
Todays ideas:
Cast mojo before chateau resting on d1 -> less mp go wasted.
Be sure to bring some order into the AT buffs when powerleveling. Not everyone has a fourth song slot and be sure to shrug ode (best done directly after drinking).
Also use the hot tub for removing Drenched in Lava.

Thanks for all your work :-)
You might want to let it be known that it's preferred to have foreign language tapes installed in the chateau. I just realized my last 2 runs with this script became 3 dayers due to this user error.

This & juice bar. See Slaws guide.
using... r67? Had a fast, slick day 1. Sitting at the end of d2 with 19adv remaining and 27 needed for my last service.
I have no t69 spleen familiar, I guess I won't be able to wait until 2016, as this would have easily got me the 2 day.
This script is the real CS.
Todays ideas:
Powerleveling: create and use ash soda from hot ashes (galopping grill drop) once it drops for +15 ML for 15 advs.
Powerleveling: buy and use dinsey face paint (costs 1 funfund) and use it for +40 ML for 20 advs.

Edit: also another leaderboard karma from the script today: 2/439 with 325% G-9 (no intervention besides hottubing after getting beaten up in the laboratory due to drenched in lava ).
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I ran the script yesterday and one thing I noticed was that it was getting stuck on the DNA extraction stages (Barf and Lava Co for me). The issue was that after losing combat, the script would abort. This meant that the potion was never made and the progress was never updated since the script failed to continue. Is this an issue just for me and is there a fix to this?
I ran the script yesterday and one thing I noticed was that it was getting stuck on the DNA extraction stages (Barf and Lava Co for me). The issue was that after losing combat, the script would abort. This meant that the potion was never made and the progress was never updated since the script failed to continue. Is this an issue just for me and is there a fix to this?

The script mostly assumes things are working, so the solution to this issue is to not lose combat. As far as I know I can't prevent mafia from aborting when you get beaten up.
Started trying this script, unfortunately I don't have all the things required (specifically the DNA lab or Saucegeyser) so it's been a bit rough, but still easier than doing things manually.

Please consider changing customCombat to this. It just passes control to CCS instead of attacking.

string customCombat(int round) {
	if (round == 0 && (have_skill($skill[Curse of Weaksauce]) && my_mp() >= (mp_cost($skill[Curse of Weaksauce]) + mp_cost($skill[Saucegeyser])))) {
		return "skill Curse of Weaksauce";
	} else if (have_skill($skill[Saucegeyser]) && my_mp() >= mp_cost($skill[Saucegeyser])) {
		return "skill Saucegeyser";
	} else {
		//print("Resorting to basic attack", "red");
		//return "attack";
		print("Resorting to CCS");
		return get_ccs_action( round );
Started trying this script, unfortunately I don't have all the things required (specifically the DNA lab or Saucegeyser) so it's been a bit rough, but still easier than doing things manually.

Please consider changing customCombat to this. It just passes control to CCS instead of attacking.

string customCombat(int round) {
	if (round == 0 && (have_skill($skill[Curse of Weaksauce]) && my_mp() >= (mp_cost($skill[Curse of Weaksauce]) + mp_cost($skill[Saucegeyser])))) {
		return "skill Curse of Weaksauce";
	} else if (have_skill($skill[Saucegeyser]) && my_mp() >= mp_cost($skill[Saucegeyser])) {
		return "skill Saucegeyser";
	} else {
		//print("Resorting to basic attack", "red");
		//return "attack";
		print("Resorting to CCS");
		return get_ccs_action( round );

I ended up making a change very similar to this for the first time I ran this script since I hadn't had Saucegeyser permed yet (I ended up perming it anyways since I figured I should at some point). It's much more elegant than simply attacking, especially when coupled with something like WHAM.ash.
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I think there's a small error in the shrub decorating: the shrub gets decorated for muscle and not for myst.

Also "Ascend as a Muscle moon sign (in other words, have access to the friendly Degrassi Knoll)" on the project page confuses some people. Muscle is the historical name for the knoll zone, but you can get myst & moxie bonus there nowadays. Better direct them to Wallaby for the myst bonus & spell dmg directly.
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Thanks, guys. Clarified the moon sign, fixed the shrub topper, and now have it resorting to CCS instead of a basic attack.
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Thanks so much for the script. Been getting 3 dayers no problem.

One question. On Day 2 I seem to get stuck on the canteen being closed. As far as I was aware it took 40 adventures to open any of the CI shops, but it looks as if the script only adventures in the lab 20 times. I've been manually adventuring until the unlock (as the script won't run at all after it says the canteen is closed) and generally have been coming up 20 turns short of a 2 day run.

Has anyone else run into this? Any suggestions on what I can do to avoid it?

Hmm, I think it might be better if the spleen familiar aims for four drops on the first day, since there isn't any non-power-levelling adventuring in the second day. On the other hand, it hasn't been stopping me from getting 2-dayers, so... shrug?
One question. On Day 2 I seem to get stuck on the canteen being closed. As far as I was aware it took 40 adventures to open any of the CI shops, but it looks as if the script only adventures in the lab 20 times. I've been manually adventuring until the unlock (as the script won't run at all after it says the canteen is closed) and generally have been coming up 20 turns short of a 2 day run.

Has anyone else run into this? Any suggestions on what I can do to avoid it?

Haven't run into it myself since I own CI. But comment the if statement with the jungle juice part in powerlevel() out. Jungle juice is only good for aftercore leveling. I think it is an oversight that the script tries to use it.