Auto 2-day HCCS


So, I casually linked this script in the KoL forums and wound up derailing the thread into discussion/bug reports about my script, and having a bajillion people download and run it despite my warnings of how shoddy and unlikely to actually function it was. So I figured, despite not wanting to officially "release" it, at least for now, I should make this thread since people seem to want to use it anyway and I don't want to screw up the main KoL CS thread.

The link to the project page is here:

The project page contains instructions on how to actually use the script, which are kind of important since there are specific prerequisites.

For convenience, the command you want to paste into KoL's graphical CLI to download this script is:
svn checkout

My name in-game is aabattery, you can post an issue on the github project or kmail me or comment here or whatever if you wanna contact me. Have fun, and run at your own risk.
Looks promising, with not too many IoTM pre-requisites. At 322 karma per run in-season, I'm keen to give it a go.
I don't have the prereqs.

If I try and run this, is it going to immediately break and fail, or will it just take a few more days?

'Cause, honestly, 5-6 day HCCS is absolutely fine with me.
Some things I noticed this run:
- The script had as output "Failed to get dungeoneering kit for some reason":
Using 1 GameInformPowerDailyPro magazine...
Finished using 1 GameInformPowerDailyPro magazine.

[1] Video Game Level 1
Failed to get dungeoneering kit for some reason

Dunno what went wrong. Got it manually and continued.

- Personal Ventilation Unit needs to be equiped for the laboratory
- Buffs from Grim Brother could be used: damage D1 (either for weapon or as rollover buff), hpmp D2 (or damage again on d2?)
- Maybe chew powdered gold from the golden monkey (3 on d1, 1 on d2) if available (or other spleeners).
I don't have the prereqs. If I try and run this, is it going to immediately break and fail, or will it just take a few more days?

It will immediately abort. Sorry. You may want to try Kavokane's 3-day HCCS script instead maybe?

Some things I noticed this run:
- The script had as output "Failed to get dungeoneering kit for some reason":
Dunno what went wrong. Got it manually and continued.

- Personal Ventilation Unit needs to be equipped for the laboratory
- Buffs from Grim Brother could be used: damage D1 (either for weapon or as rollover buff), hpmp D2 (or damage again on d2?)
- Maybe chew powdered gold from the golden monkey (3 on d1, 1 on d2) if available (or other spleeners).


- Yeah, that doesn't work because I don't have GameInform access and I don't know how exactly you get the kit. I thought you visited the level 1 zone once? Which is what it seems to have done. Do I have to adventure twice or something?
- Oh. Whoops.
- No idea how to do that, to be honest. Don't have one and would have to be fed URLs from someone, probably, unless mafia has some sort of command for it.
- Yeah I was lazy and never implemented chewing spleen drops because I don't have one available for the path.

I'll probably fix all that barring the Grim Brother buffs and add taffy support tomorrow.
Mafia has a command in the console: grim init|hpmp|damage

The issue with gameinform is probably that using the magazine gives you a choice, which you then have to confirm twice to actually unlock the dungeon. It's pretty annoying.

Also it'd be cool if it would try to using the galloping grill over the sombrero if you have it when power leveling.

I think this script might have gotten me a two day this run if I hadn't gotten jumped by the dairy goat and beaten up, and if it considered puck people (and did all the nonsense required to use them).

Either way, it still got me a three day, and with much less time required on my part, so keep up the great work!

EDIT: I've made a fork on github, I'll add support for galloping grill and make a pull request, since that's trivial. Then I'm going to look in to exactly what the URLs and such are for gameinform, since you don't have it.
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I'm going to try to add logic to switch familiars as you get drops, so you can get fist turkey booze and spleen familiar drops. I'll do that tonight :)
You need 1 more actual reality goggles to continue.

That item is too old to be used on this path.


<edit> OH, i guess my svn was a little old and it was all it's fault.
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Awesome, awesome. Music to my ears, folks. :D


You need 1 more actual reality goggles to continue.

That item is too old to be used on this path.


Yeah I got that report from someone else too. I think it happens when you run the spell damage maximizer for some reason. I'll look into it and see if I can't change the maximizer string to fix that somehow. Otherwise it seems like a KoLmafia bug :/
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You could add ",-equip actual reality goggles" to all the maximizer strings, or you can just tell people to update to the latest version of mafia, since it's supposed to fix that. Maybe bump the version requirement up to 16319 to make people update.
I think it happens when you run the spell damage maximizer for some reason. I'll look into it and see if I can't change the maximizer string to fix that somehow. Otherwise it seems like a KoLmafia bug :/
Actually, it is a KoL bug. Darzil recently submitted code to work around it, since it sometimes takes years for KoL to fix a bug after it is reported to them - assuming they fix it at all.
Another idea which came to my mind for people with too much IotMs: make use of D1 Transmission from planet Xi for 10% item acc and switch to GI magazin for D2.
You can see on my fork that I set up switching familiars mid run as they drop things, and got it gathering all the spleen drops you could need and then swapping to fist turkey. I'm still testing it some more before I make a pull request, which will take a day or two.

I still want to add support for the puck man, but boy, that's gonna be a lot of work. Gotta adventure in the 8-bit realm for black pixels to make a pixel star, gotta unlock the guild... And gotta adventure with the puck man a bear minimum of 15 times. Fortunately the switching part would be easy enough now...
Some more ideas:

Weapon Damage: Scowl of the Auk ?
Weapon Damage: twinkly nugget ?

Spell Damage: Spirit of Garlic (or whatever)
Spell Damage: Arched Eyebrow of the Archmage

Hot res: potential pulverize & cook: lotion of stench/sleaziness from stench/sleaze pulver
Hot res: chew hot wad?

powerleveling: cast mojomuscular melody, manicotti meditation, sauce contemplation
powerleveling: use 1-5 blue taffy for more familiar weight and more familiar experience per fight.
powerleveling: better to use 5 violet taffies here and the rest for myst test i guess
powerleveling: barrel lid should give more stats in the sluice i think

hp: use excess orange taffy
hp: cast seal clubbing frenzy

Moxie: Disco Smirk

taffy: use up to 5 taffies (make sure to have 50 turns of the effect)

shrug ode after drinking
had 3 unused handful of Smithereens after the run -> chew these instead for tests of spleen item for advs?

Run today was 2/470 and 70 surplus advs with 172% G-9, some tunings at the tests and blunders by me (like 1 drunken stupor adv removing the 1 turn buff when trying to get the dungeon kit manually yesterday and chewing the blood-drive sticker much later due to the abort i put into doTest() for buff peaking).
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Today I was beaten up at the government lab while drenched in lava. It seems it might be worth removing that buff once the caldera is done.
Index: AutoHCCS.ash
--- AutoHCCS.ash	(revision 51)
+++ AutoHCCS.ash	(working copy)
@@ -1194,6 +1194,9 @@
+		if (have_effect($effect[Drenched in Lava]) > 0) {
+			cli_execute("uneffect Drenched in Lava");
+		}
 		cli_execute("mood clear");
 		while ($item[Gene Tonic: Elemental].available_amount() == 0 && get_property_boolean("stenchAirportAlways")) {
 			if (my_adventures() == 0) {
I couldn't find an ash version of uneffect.
I had left the Eudora on PowerGamePro rather than planet Xi (whoops) for the first day, and switched it up for the second day. Not sure if this is related, but the script is now hanging trying to visit GamePro dungeon level 1 after that zone is finished.

Edited to add: This script is totes nifty for someone who is in the middle of changing cities and states, unpacking, and has even less time to play than Community Service might suggest. ;-) Even when it "breaks down" it still saves plenty of time and I can do the remaining services manually and terribly suboptimally.
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The script just got me a 2 day run in 516 turns, with the changes I have on my fork. Gonna run day 1 again and if all goes well submit the pull request.

I don't even have any dread skills or anything like that (or really that many hardcore perms in general) so I really wasn't expecting to get a 2 day run at all this season! Yay!

EDIT: And that's without any puck man support, too. I wonder how much that would speed things up?
Ran out of adventures in makePotionsDay1() and got stuck, but was able to finish after manually drinking some speakeasy booze. There's something in there about 5 free crafts but I guess that's an IOTM or something that I don't have?

Seems to work nicely for the most part though, we'll see if I can actually get 2-day on this increasingly derelict account...