Bug - Fixed ASH function return value enforcement is buggy.


Staff member
ASH is supposed to detect when you have a non-void function which doesn't return a value of the correct type and give you a compile error.

I see the following code in Parser.parseFunction().

		if ( !result.assertReturn() && !functionType.equals( DataTypes.TYPE_VOID )
		// The following clause can't be correct. I think it
		// depends on the various conditional & loop constructs
		// returning a boolean. Or something. But without it,
		// existing scripts break. Aargh!
		&& !functionType.equals( DataTypes.TYPE_BOOLEAN ) )
			throw this.parseException( "Missing return value" );

So, it intentionally fails to do that for boolean functions (for some unknown reason), but should make that check for non-boolean functions.

However, the following script shows that ASH's return value checking is busted for non-booleans:

int test()
	if ( true )
		return 1;

This fails validation with "missing return value".

If you declare that a function returns a value, ASH should enforce that you do that - for all data types, not just non-booleans. In order to do that, it will need to understand that certain control constructs can make following statements unreachable and not simply check that the last statement in the function is a "return".
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Verification of functions in ASH-scripts fails in certain cases

As discussed over here (and a few posts on) ash functions with encapsulated retur-values fail to verify even though there is no way that the function would return without a return value.

The example given by Veracity was
int test( int a, int b )
	if ( a < b ) {
		return a;
	} else {
		return b;

The same effect can be achieved with a switch-statement where this fails:
string poison_level(int toxic)
	switch (toxic)
		case 1:	return "haseffect 436;";
		case 2:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284;";
		case 3:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284 || haseffect 283;";
		case 4:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284 || haseffect 283 || haseffect 282;";
		case 5:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284 || haseffect 283 || haseffect 282 || haseffect 264;";
		case 6:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284 || haseffect 283 || haseffect 282 || haseffect 264 || haseffect 8;";
		default: return "";
	//return "";

while this doesn't
string poison_level(int toxic)
	switch (toxic)
		case 1:	return "haseffect 436;";
		case 2:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284;";
		case 3:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284 || haseffect 283;";
		case 4:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284 || haseffect 283 || haseffect 282;";
		case 5:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284 || haseffect 283 || haseffect 282 || haseffect 264;";
		case 6:	return "haseffect 436 || haseffect 284 || haseffect 283 || haseffect 282 || haseffect 264 || haseffect 8;";
	return "";

It is possible to program around this, but it would probably be better if ASH correctly analysed it.
r10727 fixes this (except that any truly broken boolean functions that were being allowed under the previous special exception are generating warnings for now, rather than errors).