I have donated a long time ago, however I the PM that I got had been removed, can a moderator send me another?
if (in_mysticality_sign()) maxmcd = 11;
if (canadia_available()) maxmcd = 11;
boolean gotradio = false;
if (knoll_available())
gotradio = retrieve_item(1,$item[detuned radio]);
if ((!knoll_available() && !gnomads_available() && !canadia_available()) ||
(knoll_available() && !gotradio) ||
(gnomads_available() && (item_amount($item["bitchin' meatcar"]) == 0) &&
(creatable_amount($item["bitchin' meatcar"]) == 0)))
where is dj_d?
real life
because of the thing on the first page. i don't have a mr.a to trade and probally won't for a while.
Error - no location found where you can adventure.
Mmkay, now farm.ash is complaining. It presents me with the error:
PHP:Error - no location found where you can adventure.
My character is a level 15 seal clubber, and I've downloaded the latest version of canadv.ash. Help please....