Feature - Implemented Allow "acquire" to buy items with 0 autosell


It seems to me that there isn't really a reason to disallow buying items with 0 autosell, due to the "autoBuyPriceLimit" setting. I have a script to stock up hagnks, using acquire, to take advantage of mafia's intelligence in acquiring items, but it dies on a few items with 0 autosell, despite "autoBuyPriceLimit" being set far above their mall price.

If there is some other reason it needs to stay, can someone explain to me why? (preferably slowly and in small words, I've been rather dense the last few weeks >.>)
I removed that limitation from the version I and some others use, and no one has made any comments yet about it doing something bad. I also don't see any need for that restriction.
The autoBuyPriceLimit is set to 20k by default, which I think might be a bit high really but that is another discussion. I'm guessing we don't wantmafia to go and buy really expensive things which things with autosell = 0 can be, but since we have defined, by default, that 20k is an ok price to pay then I see no problem to allow Mafia to buy zero autosell items up to that price as well.
Having just realised that the default was 20k I set mine down quite a bit :)
This would save me one step a day from having to buy 6 sugar sheets first instead of just typing "create 6 sugar shields" into the cli. I think.
I'm guessing it's historical; once upon a time, wasn't "0 autosell" either KoL or KoLmafia "slang" for "can't be autosold?" I could easily be wrong, but I could swear I remember a discussion related to that in the past...
Would an additionally overloaded acquire make sense? One where you can tell it to ignore the 0 autosell protection... Don't want to just remove it on everything, that could be bad... but if you KNOW you want it, you should be able to get it.