Feature - Implemented Adventure GUI should show number of fights, rather than adventures

Try revision 17723. I sort of whacked the central "make a sequence of requests" function and simplified some things, based on
flow analysis (what is the point of the wasAdventuring variable, when it seems like it will be false every single time it is examined?), so, I look forward to hearing about any differences in operation. I think. ;)
After unchecking the checkbox things worked as expected in the Gingerbread sewers even when WHAM threw Shattering punch into the mix. In addition: I was able to auto-adventure in the SnoJo for ten combats and have it take zero turns.

Thank you!
Sleeping on it revealed that my flow analysis was correct as far as it went - code within KoLmafia itself - but the wrinkle was user supplied scripts. For example, an after adventure script which calls adventure. So, I will reintroduce some cmplexity, but with comments...
I'm not sure yet how often I'll end up using this feature, since I'm set in the old mindset where it didn't exist. But I'm intrigued to give it a try!

One minor feature request: Could the new checkbox be moved to the right (rather than the left) of the "number of adventures/turns" field? Or, if not graphically moved, then moved up one spot in the logical tab order? I find it very convenient to be able to type a location, tab once, and enter number of turns, and hit Enter to begin adventuring. This would simply save one keystroke.
I can probably change the tab order - the "focus traversal".

I intentionally placed it to the left of the count selection box so that people whose muscle memory expects it to be at the right end will not get confused.
I ran my five free DMT fights from the adventure tab today. It was very convenient. (My combat script uses the abstractions automatically.)

Thumbs up for this feature!