Feature Add pride of the vampire and prince of seaside town to modifier maximizer

Like it says on the tin. Running through the basement and I didn't see either show up for the MP option, I'm guessing they probably don't show up in the other stat options either. Stat boosts from gongs and path of the roach are there, so I figure this is worth putting in too.
They're already there, you just have to check "Include effects with no direct source" to see them because there is no command that the Maximizer can invoke to obtain these effects. Adding such a command is the actual feature request here.
Well, and there's a script you can use to get whichever effect you want... you just have to set the maximizer display to show effects without a direct source, as jason said, and then use the script to get it after...

It's not that the way to do it isn't known, it's that it's already possible with a released script...
The main difference between the two items, unfortunately, is that I don't think any mafia devs use vampire fangs. If we did, vamp out support would likely be far better.

We're always willing to look at patches, though! :)
I have a set in my display case, on the "Useless Softcore Items" shelf. In a few months, I'll be doing a L30 Axecore run, so I will have time to try them out then, I expect.
Wild idea: somehow let scripts register themselves as sources for effects (so that, say, running vampout.ash once would tell mafia what command to execute to get, among others, vampire prince , etc ...)?
Oh that's cool, I didn't even know it would look at moods like that. Is that documented anywhere?

I'm probably still going to look into adding proper vamp out support.
Oh that's cool, I didn't even know it would look at moods like that. Is that documented anywhere?
No idea, but I doubt many people relied on that aspect of it. Most people don't write custom triggers for when specific buffs run out, relying instead on KoLmafia default values for that effect or on 'unconditional' triggers and between/before battle scripts.

Additionally, prior to 10667, it only looked at the current mood (same as the "up" command, which also got enhanced by this addition in 10667), which isn't very useful for maximizer since your current mood is already maintaining that effect so maximizer will only suggest it when the buff runs out while adventuring in the relay browser and you bring up the UI for it.
Oh man adding support for vamp out is more annoying then I expected, I probably don't have time for this at the moment.
That's one of those "have a whole series of changing choice options embedded in a single choice adventure" things. Dungeon Fist is another such, and might be a good example to look at, now that Jason has added a "solver" for it. Although, since there are multiple paths you can take - which vampire clan to join, and so on - we'll probably want it selectable like the Louvre.

Other choices that could stand similar treatments are the Map to Safety Shelter Ronald Prime and the Map to Safety Shelter Grimace Prime, each of which is a single choice adventure that you can navigate to reach a variety of goals.
Other choices that could stand similar treatments are the Map to Safety Shelter Ronald Prime and the Map to Safety Shelter Grimace Prime, each of which is a single choice adventure that you can navigate to reach a variety of goals.

That would make me so happy. I have to look those up on the wiki every time so I'd be overjoyed to just click on a goal.
Oh I see what he did, that would be way easier then what I was considering. I just would need the selection numbers for every end result listed. If someone can fully list those out for me it would be pretty trivial to handle.
I just would need the selection numbers for every end result listed. If someone can fully list those out for me it would be pretty trivial to handle.

Sure, I can do that... Keep in mind that the first choice will only show options that have not already been used. Also, there are a bunch of times when there is only a single option to continue the dialogue so I listed "1" for those.

("Visit Vlad's Boutique" - choice 1)

Mistified: 22121221
Bat Attitude: 2212111
There Wolf 2231111

("Visit Isabella's" - choice 2 unless you've already done Vlad, in which case it is 1.)

Muscle 11
Mysticality 131
Moxie 1221
Meat 1232

("Visit The Masquerade" -choice 3, unless you've already done one of the others... The hyphens mean the same thing as a comma, but I used them to separate the parts for my own sanity.)

Prince of the City and Sword of the Brouhaha Prince 3, 1, 2, 4, 1 - 2, 3, 1, 1 - 1, 1, 1
Prince of the City and Chalice of the Malkovich Prince 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 - 3, 3, 1, 1 - 1, 1, 1
Prince of the City and Sceptre of the Torremolinos Prince 4, 2, 1, 1, 2 - 2, 3, 2, 1 - 1, 1, 1
Prince of the City and Medallion of the Ventrilo Prince 1, 4, 4, 2, 3 - 4, 2, 1, 1 - 1, 1, 1
your own black heart 3, 1, 2, 4, 1 - 4, 1, 2, 1 - 1, 1, 1
Book form of Interview With You (a Vampire) 3, 1, 2, 4, 1 - 4, 2, 2, 1 - 1, 1, 1
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The numbers you gave for the nomination section aren't going to be correct because when you select a clan it is removed from the next choice until you've selected all four. Not sure if the order is maintained through those subsequent choices, I would hope they are. If not you can use the first letter of the clan name and I'll figure out the correct choice selection in code with a regex.
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The numbers I gave for the nomination section ARE going to be correct because I accounted for the clan being removed from the next choice. Order is maintained. You underestimated me. :)

Edit: Just reviewed my previous post and found the typo that might have made you doubt my accuracy. Darnit. Now you have to wonder if you can trust any of that. Please trust it.
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So if I understand how this works correctly, we'll need to track two things in preferences - you get three total vamp outs (preference 1) and your prior selection will be disabled (preference 2).

I guess it's probably cleaner to implement that second thing - disabling the previous choice - as a single integer preference, rather than three booleans. That's too bad, I was hoping full functionality could be achieved with a custom Multi deed that the user writes themselves. Unfortunately you'd need the second thing to be implemented as three boolean preferences for that. Ah well.