Bug Acquiring a digital key lime as part of eating a digital key lime pie fails


When trying to eat a digital key lime pie, either through
  • item manager -> food -> digital key lime pie -> consume -> 1; or
  • cgli -> eat digital key lime pie
it fails:

> eat digital key lime pie

Searching for "white pixel"...
Search complete.
Verifying ingredients for digital key lime pie (1)...
Searching for "digital key lime"...
Search complete.
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 1, got 0)
Searching for "digital key lime"...
Search complete.
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 1, got 0)
You need 1 more digital key lime to continue.

However, when I acquire a digital key separately beforehand, mafia will cook and eat the dklp.

The first time this problem occurred to me was yesterday (although I think I ran into this in earlier pvp seasons). It had been working perfectly fine just a few days ago (as long as I specified the quantity to be 1 in item manager). I am not aware of having changed any settings (jftr: general -> preferences -> item acquisition -> buy items from npc stores... was and remains checked). It must be at least partially user-based, because from talking to other users, the problem exists for some but not for everybody.

I am on KoLmafia r26624 right now.

EDIT: As of today (Aug 7th), eating a dklp through item manager started working again. I did not change anything but switch to KoLmafia r26626 (though I am not sure any of the commits explain this)...

Older, perhaps semi-related threads:
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What is your autoBuyPriceLimit?
Okay, I guess that was it. It was at 20k, I upped it by a bit and then it purchased a DKLP through the mall. Two questions, though: 1) Why would it not rather create a DKLP instead of purchasing through the mall? I got all the ingredients. 2) Is there a way to set that prefref somewhere else than the GCLI?
Not sure, it must not have understood that you could make it. Pixels are a bit more expensive these days so autoBuyPriceLimit can sometimes come into play for digital keys.