Bug - Fixed Cannot 'create' a digital key lime pie without a digital key in inventory


Even though the digital key is a quest item, I would expect this to work since you can create a digital key with no issue. This also affects creating a star key lime pie.

> create digital key lime pie

Verifying ingredients for digital key lime pie (1)...
Searching for "white pixel"...
Search complete.
Searching for "green pixel"...
Search complete.
Searching for "blue pixel"...
Search complete.
Searching for "digital key lime"...
Search complete.
Verifying ingredients for digital key lime (1)...
You need 1 more digital key to continue.

> create digital key lime pie

Verifying ingredients for digital key lime pie (1)...
Verifying ingredients for digital key lime (1)...
You need 1 more digital key to continue.

> create digital key

Verifying ingredients for digital key (1)...
Searching for "white pixel"...
Search complete.
Purchasing white pixel (30 @ 425)...
You acquire white pixel (30)
Purchases complete.
Creating 1 digital key...
You acquire an item: digital key
Successfully created digital key (1)

> create digital key lime pie

Verifying ingredients for digital key lime pie (1)...
Verifying ingredients for digital key lime (1)...
Searching for "lime"...
Search complete.
Purchasing lime (1 @ 990)...
You acquire an item: lime
Purchases complete.
Creating digital key lime (1)...
You acquire an item: digital key lime
Successfully created digital key lime (1)
Verifying ingredients for pie crust (1)...
Searching for "Gnollish pie tin"...
Search complete.
Putting on Travoltan trousers...
Equipment changed.
Purchasing Gnollish pie tin (1 @ 28)...
You acquire an item: Gnollish pie tin
You spent 28 Meat
Purchases complete.
Searching for "wad of dough"...
Search complete.
Purchasing wad of dough (1 @ 47)...
You acquire an item: wad of dough
You spent 47 Meat
Purchases complete.
Creating pie crust (1)...
You acquire an item: pie crust
Successfully created pie crust (1)
Creating digital key lime pie (1)...
You acquire an item: digital key lime pie
Successfully created digital key lime pie (1)
Putting on plexiglass pants...
Equipment changed.


Everybody's favorite block of code in InventoryManager:

		switch ( mixingMethod )
		// Sub-ingredients for star charts, pixels and malus
		// ingredients can get very expensive. Therefore, skip over
		// them in this step.

		case KoLConstants.NOCREATE:
		case KoLConstants.STARCHART:
		case KoLConstants.PIXEL:
		case KoLConstants.MALUS:
		case KoLConstants.STAFF:
				scriptSaysBuy = true;

This also means that you cant "acquire" any of the star equipment if you don't have mall access, either.

I think this just needs a KoLCharacter.canInteract() check.

Or we can just remove it entirely since this code's original intent - preventing multiple small purchases that in aggregate would exceed autoBuyPriceLimit - has since been addressed with updates to how aBPL works.