A little too much world peace for me


New member
I'm having an issue where Mafia will suddenly "declare world peace" for no apparent reason, and I can't convince it to begin adventuring again afterwards. At all. There hasn't been much of a pattern, but it seems that if I set a goal before adventuring it happens more often. However, once it happens, I can't get it to continue; turn the goal off, change the goal, anything. I know this is ridiculously vague, but I was just hoping someone would say "oh, that sounds familiar," and tell me what to do. Thanks!

Problem in 13.4 and 13.5 on a mac.


I've encountered a similar issue on XP, using the latest builds.
Short term solution -- Opening Inventory in the Relay browser lets you do one thing before mafia stops again. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Otherwise, I just logout and restart mafia.


There are only a few possible cases when the "world peace" message can appear:
* Hitting the Escape key.
* "stop now" in the Adventure tab.
* "Stop Everything" from the Tools menu.
* Typing "abort" in the gCLI.
* Calling abort() from ASH.
* Failure to use a skill during mood maintenance.

That last one seems like the only one that's going to happen unexpectedly.


I had a mood that was causing this ... I simply deleted the mood and recreated it (identical everything in the mood) and it went away.


New member
Huh. Well, I turned off some moods, and it worked. I don't know why it chose now to stop working, though... I haven't changed those in a while. Ah well.

I don't know if this is a tough request, but maybe you could add an indicator as to which of the six causes it encountered to the world peace message? I.e., "KolMafia declares world peace. (abort() encountered)" or ""KolMafia declares world peace. (stop now pressed)".