New Content - Implemented 2022 New Year Changes

Odor Extractors have been removed from the Bounty Hunter Hunter and are no longer obtainable.
It appears that existing odor extractors grant the old On the Trail effect and their behavior hasn't changed (it's possible that they don't actually work beyond granting the effect). They should be unpullable from Hangk's now as well.
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That is interesting. I had multiple characters roll into the new year with old On the Trail active, but it didn’t show up on the charpane. The next day, several had X turns of the old effect and it did show up on the charpane. I was unable to cast the skill while that was the case (your nose is full of the scent of the other monster, or whatever), but when it ran out, I cast the skill and got the intrinsic, so I will never see that old effect again.

So, the old effect still exists, but it’s only for people who’d previously bought odor extractors.

I commented out the old effect, in order to make ASH not require disambiguation. I wonder if I should uncomment it? The RIGHT way to handle Olfaction now is “check if the combat skill is available” rather than “do I have On the Trail”, but with both effects possible, a tiny fraction of potential KoLmafia users who have odor extractors could script … something.

I will never be able to test. I never bought any odor extractors since 40 MP has always been a trivial cost. I haven’t even visited the Bounty Hunter Hunter for years.
Lucky Lindy, Optimal Dog and Pill Keeper have been updated to all grant the Lucky intrinsic. Lucky Lindy is now a size 6 good booze.
I have a new PR open and waiting for review which removes the semirare tracking and fortune cookie counter stuff.

This is Yet Another Strict Subset of gausie's Lucky! draft PR - which still has a lot of useful stuff (like defining encounters a LUCKY vs. SEMIRARE and/or CLOVER).

But, when I ascended yesterday to try out a 2022 Standard run, I was disappointed to have Fortune Cookie counters nagging me in my charpane. So, here we are; a standalone PR that fixes that without needing to wait for Lucky! spading.
I have another PR open which pulls in the rest of gausie's PR that is NOT associated with "encounters" (i.e., replacing SEMIRARE and CLOVER encounters with LUCKY encounters; spading is still underway for those, and I'll leave it gausie to finish this. :)

- optimal dog gives Lucky!
- Lucky Lindy is size 6 and gives Lucky!
- pillkeeper gives Lucky!
- Marmot does not give a ten-leaf clover
- And "pool skill" calculations do not refer to "semirare" bonus, since the "pool shark" is no longer a "semirare" monster

Once this is merged, gausie can remove GenericRequest and InventoryManager from his PR and the only things left will be the aforementioned changes relating to "encounters". :)
The CLI 'pillkeeper' command (and help text) should be updated to change the 'semirare' option to some other word - maybe 'lucky' or 'clover'
Yes. It still accepts "semi" (in case you have it in a script), but it also accepts - and the help text documents - "lucky".

> help pillkeeper

pillkeeper [free] explode | extend | noncombat | element | stat | familiar | lucky | random
gausie put his clover/semirare encounters => lucky encounters PR up for review. Looks great. I approved and merged it.
So, this is probably done now.

We COULD have a Lucky! warning in the relay browser (like we had for clovers and semirares before), but considering you have to proactively use an 11-leaf clover and then pick a spot to adventure in, I expect you are well aware that a Lucky! adventure is imminent - and it will be in the location that you specifically selected to adventure in. I have a feeling that a nag screen would get tiresome.

I'm almost done with my 4th HC Standard run and am happy with how things are working, regarding Lucky! and Olfaction. I don't think we need any more support for Jan 1, 2022 changes. If anybody disagrees, pipe up now and explain what you think we're missing. Otherwise, I'll mark this Implemented on Sunday, probably.
Is KoLmafia doing something wrong with that? I don't see any changes to how we support the Hermit in Zombiecore.
Tell me what you expected and what you saw that did not meet your expectations.
Mafia's not doing anything wrong. I'm just stating that so far it hasn't been updated to 11-leaf clovers in KOL itself, in case that might affect anyone's scripts. Also, until TPTB get around to fixing it, this is a daily source of free 10-leaf clovers. I sent a bug report to KOL on it. If I should've posted in a different topic, I'm sorry about that. Just let me know where the info should've been posted.