New Content - Implemented 2019 April IOTM - PirateRealm membership packet

So, yesterday I noticed that the Coinmasters frame (on the tab at the top) thought I had 67 FunPoints when the Fun-a-Log (in the browser) told me I had 400+ (don't remember the exact number). Today after finishing the PirateRealm, I checked again and the Coinmaster frame still says 67 while the browser says 796.

I was looking in and saw this:

private static final Pattern TOKEN_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "<b>You have ([\\d,]+) FunPoints?</b>" );

Looking at the Fun-a-Log html I see a period between "Funpoints" and "</b>" which I think may be causing this matcher to fail?
Seems likely. I fixed it, ran my PirateRealm adventure today, went to the Fun-A-Log, and the Coinmaster updated to have the correct value.

Revision 19199
Mine still said 67 when I logged in but, this time, when I clicked the 'visit' button, it updated to the correct value. Thanks!
We don't look at the FUn-A-Log when you log in. We assume whatever the setting says is correct.
However, if you press "visit" in the Coinmaster Frame or visit the Fun-A-Log in the Relay Browser, we sync up.

We also don't detect gaining FunPoints during adventuring, although we could. There are things we could do to make this more seamless - including that -but it's effort vs. value, at this point and for now I am content that "visit" syncs up correctly.
I assume this is from here

10244	one piece of bubble gum	829221842	pieceof13.gif	usable	t,d	37
Item	one piece of bubble gum	Effect: "Sugar Rush", Effect Duration: 10
Since the lucky gold ring can only drop one volcoino per day, I made a patch to track this in the property `_luckyGoldRingVolcoino`. According to the wiki, the gold ring is the only way volcoinos can drop after combat, so the logic should be fine.


Has anyone had time to look at my patch? I think it's a desirable feature not just for myself, as in some cases the ring is only worth using until the volcoino drops.