New Content - Implemented 2017 Crimbo content

The monsters on level three of the spire:

New monster #2046 found in Manuel with name 'cheerless mime soldier' image 'mimebat3.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: 200 P: horror'
Any chance of tracking the Crimbo wanderers?


[5263] The Cheerless Spire (Level 4)
Encounter: cheerless mime blind observer

[5265] The Cheerless Spire (Level 4)
Encounter: cheerless mime withered oracle

[5266] The Cheerless Spire (Level 4)
Encounter: cheerless mime blind vizier

[5268] The Cheerless Spire (Level 4)
Encounter: cheerless mime ethereal observer

[5270] The Cheerless Spire (Level 4)
Encounter: cheerless mime blind seer


[5264] The Cheerless Spire (Level 4)
Encounter: And Then You Found Some Mushrooms
Unknown item found: nega-mushroom (9649, 366604257)
9649 nega-mushroom 366604257 negashroom.gif food t 0
nega-mushroom 2 1 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item nega-mushroom Effect: "Negavision", Effect Duration: 50
2345 Negavision negavision1.gif 38cf3bcdc339faa7aaae60209d078d22 eat 1 nega-mushroom
Effect Negavision Item Drop: +25
You acquire an item: nega-mushroom
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Any chance of tracking the Crimbo wanderers?
Do you have spading for it? I'm seeing something like the wanderer arriving 1-3 turns later than the previous one. I've only tracked if over the last couple of days, though, so not enough data points for proof. Also not quite sure on first one.

That's all the spading I've done. I haven't put the next few days into my sheet, but I haven't noticed any that didn't fit that pattern of adding 1 to 3 turns to the previous window (and I've been paying quite some attention, since I'm trying to find one in every zone. Well, every zone I can access without ascending).
As for the first wanderer of the day, that one does really seem to get set by the last wanderer of the previous day.
With r18330:

9587	Mimebo TP #2	142705213	c17tp2.gif	accessory	t	0
Mimebo TP #2	0	none
Item	Mimebo TP #2	Mysticality: +2
With r18334:

9588	tiny plastic mime soldier	687240246	c17tp3.gif	accessory	t	0
tiny plastic mime soldier	0	none
Item	tiny plastic mime soldier	Muscle: +2

and a new clover adventure on the Cheerless Spire level 5

[14655] The Cheerless Spire (Level 5)
Encounter: Always Be Miming
2342	Invisible Avarice	negadollars.gif	557ddc1ee34fba9532971b3272cd5eb5
Effect	Invisible Avarice	Meat Drop: +50
You acquire an effect: Invisible Avarice (20)

and a new monster:

New monster #2048 found in Manuel with name 'cheerless mime executive' image 'mimeexec3.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: 400 P: horror'

and a new NC:

[14659] The Cheerless Spire (Level 5)
Encounter: Check It Out Now, The Boss Mime Cabinet
9648	executive mime flask	746119332	flask.gif	drink	t	0
executive mime flask	2	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	executive mime flask	Effect: "Executive Greed", Effect Duration: 50
2347	Executive Greed	dollarsign.gif	0ae9f292d306d28d06092c15763b905d	drink 1 executive mime flask
Effect	Executive Greed	Meat Drop: +50
You acquire an item: executive mime flask
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Do you have spading for it? I'm seeing something like the wanderer arriving 1-3 turns later than the previous one. I've only tracked if over the last couple of days, though, so not enough data points for proof. Also not quite sure on first one.

Confirm this. It's the previous delay +1-3 for each crimbo wanderer. I've seen +1 more often than +2 or +3 but never more than +3.
I think the issue where the previous days counter wasn't being reset at rollover may have been fixed but it shouldn't matter for mafia as we don't count wanderers until the first one has shown up anyway (from what I remember of El Dia & FoB wanderers).
Also, mafia doesn't seem to realize that the mime army infiltration gloves give access to pickpocket. It doesn't add "steal" to its combat buttons when I have them on, and "try to steal an item" in CCS doesn't fire. So whatever magic happens on the tiny black hole probably needs to know there's a new thing that works the same.
Confirm this. It's the previous delay +1-3 for each crimbo wanderer. I've seen +1 more often than +2 or +3 but never more than +3.
I think the issue where the previous days counter wasn't being reset at rollover may have been fixed but it shouldn't matter for mafia as we don't count wanderers until the first one has shown up anyway (from what I remember of El Dia & FoB wanderers).
So, I think we can get close (maybe close enough), by having an underscore preference with the turn the last letter was dropped in it. If it is blank (start of day), then on drop we set a timer for 6-8 turns (or is it 7-9). Thereafter we set a timer as current turn - preference +1-3 and reset preference. Ideally non counter incrementing turns should not count, but not sure the best way to handle that, or even if we should bother. Depends if we want usually right and sometimes wrong, or not support it because niche short term thing.

Edit - So I don't know how we can make it work. Needs to count non-free encounters, but if the counter would appear during a non wanderer zone, we have no way of knowing when the counter expired, which is what the next one is based on, not when it actually appears. Mucked around with some local code, but I've not got time or interest enough to make it work.
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With r18339:

Visiting Cheer-o-Vend 3000
9589	tiny plastic mime executive	205223471	c17tp4.gif	accessory	t	0
tiny plastic mime executive	0	none
Item	tiny plastic mime executive	Meat Drop: +4
You acquire an item: tiny plastic mime executive

The tiny plastic from the "24" slot on the Advent calendar.
So, did I miss something?

I joined this game more than 13 years ago and have experienced every Crimbo since 2004.

This year, although there was a Crimbo story which developed, day by day, for the first time, on Crimbo itself, there was ... nothing.

Every single year prior to this, I received a message on Crimbo thanking/congratulating me for my participation in the game, complete with some trinkets.

This year, although I beat the Boss yesterday, nothing.

Today seems to just be more of the same as yesterday. Tammy is still dancing around celebrating.

What did I miss? What do I need to do for Crimbo to actually have a Resolution?
I was kind of surprised that there was no Crimbo kmail, as well. The silent letter thing is still ongoing apparently. Maybe there will be some kind of ...delayed... resolution this year ?
Looking at item #9695...
Unknown item found: silent nightlight (9695, 719702616)
9695 silent nightlight 719702616 silentnightlight.gif accessory 0
silent nightlight 0 none
Item silent nightlight Muscle: +5, Mysticality: +5, Moxie: +5, Rollover Effect: "Nightlit", Rollover Effect Duration: 50
2350 Nightlit silentnightlight.gif a404d3f8ddfb6a8c5556494431ba56fc
Effect Nightlit Muscle: +10, Mysticality: +10, Moxie: +10

Comes attached to a kmail from Tammy.
Looking at item #9695...
Unknown item found: silent nightlight (9695, 719702616)
9695 silent nightlight 719702616 silentnightlight.gif accessory 0
silent nightlight 0 none
Item silent nightlight Muscle: +5, Mysticality: +5, Moxie: +5, Rollover Effect: "Nightlit", Rollover Effect Duration: 50
2350 Nightlit silentnightlight.gif a404d3f8ddfb6a8c5556494431ba56fc
Effect Nightlit Muscle: +10, Mysticality: +10, Moxie: +10

Comes attached to a kmail from Tammy.

It looks like Mafia is not tracking lack of drunkedness from mime army shotglass (for 1-drunk drinks).

<td><center><img src="/images/itemimages/coldone.gif" width="30" height="30"><br></center><blockquote>You pour your drink into your mime army shotglass.  Now it doesn't count!<p>The ambient temperature drops a few degrees as you crack open the Cold One.  You knock it back, and it is every bit as crisp and refreshing as you expected it to be.</p><center><table><tbody><tr><td><img src="/images/itemimages/hourglass.gif" height="30" width="30" alt="Adventures"></td><td valign="center">You gain 6 Adventures.</td></tr></tbody></table></center></blockquote></td>