New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

Revision 19296 updated Seal Clubber/Mongoose. Aside from the fact that the initially submitted code did not have the cafe data, some of the item data was just wrong: wrong items attached to an item id, missing modifiers. Clearly derived from a buggy early version of the code. Who wrote that code? :)

Looking at published data files, we have 31 class/sign data sets complete and are missing 23. Nice progress. Thanks for all the contributions!

x	Accordion Thief/Blender
x	Accordion Thief/Marmot
x	Accordion Thief/Mongoose
	Accordion Thief/Opossum
x	Accordion Thief/Packrat
x	Accordion Thief/Platypus
x	Accordion Thief/Vole
	Accordion Thief/Wallaby
	Accordion Thief/Wombat
	Disco Bandit/Blender
	Disco Bandit/Marmot
x	Disco Bandit/Mongoose
x	Disco Bandit/Opossum
x	Disco Bandit/Packrat
x	Disco Bandit/Platypus
x	Disco Bandit/Vole
x	Disco Bandit/Wallaby
	Disco Bandit/Wombat
x	Pastamancer/Blender
x	Pastamancer/Vole
x	Pastamancer/Wallaby
x	Sauceror/Blender
x	Sauceror/Marmot
x	Sauceror/Mongoose
x	Sauceror/Opossum
x	Sauceror/Packrat
x	Sauceror/Wallaby
x	Sauceror/Wombat
	Seal Clubber/Blender
	Seal Clubber/Marmot
x	Seal Clubber/Mongoose
x	Seal Clubber/Opossum
x	Seal Clubber/Packrat
x	Seal Clubber/Platypus
x	Seal Clubber/Vole
	Seal Clubber/Wallaby
x	Seal Clubber/Wombat
	Turtle Tamer/Blender
	Turtle Tamer/Marmot
x	Turtle Tamer/Mongoose
	Turtle Tamer/Opossum
x	Turtle Tamer/Packrat
	Turtle Tamer/Platypus
	Turtle Tamer/Vole
	Turtle Tamer/Wallaby
x	Turtle Tamer/Wombat
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Something I'd really like is something to help me in Valhalla to see what astral items do for a given TCRS class/sign. You can click on item images to get the description - and they do seem to pop up TCRS item descriptions. Not completely sure how it works; I seem to recall that if I selected a TCRS path and then said "no, I want to adjust that" and went to look at the astral items, I'd see TCRS stuff. Have not confirmed they apply to what I was considering taking. I'll experiment next time in Valhalla.

Sounds like it could be a relay script.
Turns out, I was mistaken. You can click on the item image in the Astral Pet Store and it will pop an item description with random TCRS modifiers. Click again, you get a different set. Click again, a different random set.

Which is to say, there is no way of knowing what the astral equipment will grant you in a TCRS run unless you've already been there/done that. Or unless you have KoLmafia's TCRS data available. :)

I envision a Relay Script which ornaments afterlife.php?place=armory
Under each astral item, it lists the standard modifiers you'd get in a non-TCRS run.
There is a section labeled "Two Crazy Random Summer" where you can specify a class and a sign. Dropdowns?
When you select a pair, all of the item descriptions change to show you what you'll get in a TCRS run of that sort.

Something similar for afterlife.php?place=deli

Instead of marking up the astral consumable containers, it lists the "size" for the astral hot dog, astral pilsner, and steel margarita.

Sounds like Javascipty stuff.
Maybe it's just me but I can't get flyering to work in a CCS. The CCS is pretty basic, since I'm testing:
[ default ]
item rock band flyers
skill curse of weaksauce
skill saucegeyser

Flyers don't get used.

In inventory they are, in this run, "huge rock band flyers" but I can't put that into a CCS. If I try it just substitutes "Attack with weapon".

On top of that the KoLmafia counting of flyering -vs -ML seems to be off (overcounting). Not sure why but I had to adventure for quite a few "extra" turns before the quest conditions were satisfied. Post-spoon the text in the relay browser frequently has a substitution: "You napp a flyer up on your opponent. It enrages it." is one example and the flyer -vs- ML count is even further off (undercount).
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looking at the rune-spoon thing I posted earlier, I realize I forgot something, which I can't figure out how to add to it, the "Spoon Boon" rollover effect.

I've been noticing sl_ascend never uses it as pajamas and this may be why.