So, I am using the latest build, and I go to log in today and a pop up says (something to the effect of) "We have no data for TCRS for Seal Clubber/Packrat. Would you like to will take a little time, but you only have to do it once."
Let's be precise, here. The popup said:
"No TCRS data is available for Seal CLuber/Packrat. Would you like to derive it? (This will take a long time, but you only have to do it once.)"
- It suggested it not in order for you to "contribute" (although that's always nice) but because essential functionality of KoLmafia will not be available without it. In particular, the maximizer will not work and the Eat/Drink/Spleen panels of the Item Manager will have bad sizes, qualities, etc.
- It said that it would take a long time
THat is true, but how long, exactly, depends on how fast your computer and network connection are: it is looking up more than 10,000 item descriptions and parsing them. I have (ostensibly) 1 Gb from WAN to my router, although only a fraction of that is visible over WiFi at my computer, which is a Mac Mini. I haven't timed it, but it takes about 10 minutes to get and save the items data for me. Others have reported an hour and a half.
If you get past that popup, you'll get another one asking about the cafe data, which will say "won't take long", since that is < 100 item descriptions - less than 1% of the first data fetch.
I suppose what is missing (for you) is indication of progress. I initially had it print a line ecery 100 item descriptions. I removed it when it began feeling like 100 lines of spam. But it would reassure you, at least.
MCroft suggests a "progress bar" when it is invoked from the Login screen. Is that really how it looks? I was under the impression that the Adventure Frame had already been loaded and you could switch the gCLI. If so, perhaps it could reuse the "Adventure Progress Bar".
Although, as Frono pointed out, that would be only temporarily useful.
Hmm. If I can print:
etc. but have it overwrite the same line in the gCLI, that would show progress without feeling like spam.