[color=green]> TCRS.ash[/color]
Using data override: data/TCRS_Sauceror_Wallaby.txt
Read file TCRS_Sauceror_Wallaby.txt
83 adjectives are removed from standard item names
2605 items are unmodified in TCRS and 1646 are consumables and 1863 are usable and 3933 are equipment.
29 descriptors provide only a cosmetic effect
1076 equipment items have only cosmetic descriptors in TCRS and 2857 have additional descriptors.
1803 equipment have additional non-cosmetic prefixes.
203 equipment have only suffixes.
851 have both non-cosmetic prefixes and suffuxes.
31 descriptors modify food size or quality
28 descriptors modify booze size or quality
14 descriptors modify spleen toxin size or quality
209 descriptors modify usable items
Iteration #1 over 2857 items.
Discoveries = 169 items eliminated = 2834
Iteration #2 over 23 items.
Discoveries = 0 items eliminated = 23
129 equipment prefix descriptors have been identified
40 equipment suffix descriptors have been identified
(That was not intended to be snarky.)
Haven't looked at our SVN code. How hard can it be to lookup a file in the Sourceforge repository and to download it into a local file?
I like it. Especially if somebody who already understands our SVN support does that part of it.
Lastly, here is the data file I am working with, in case you are a Sauceror Wallaby character...
are there specific wanted class/sign combos? If we're looking to derive all 56 it might be nice to have a checklist. I'd guess matching signs first.
I keep thinking that I'll see a mathematical pattern of item numbers and modifiers (something ridiculously simple like "modulo 29"), but I keep failing. If that gets cracked, it would definitely make both new items and the file size problem go away. But I'm not the right analyst to reverse engineer that pattern...
tcrs apply will apply TCRS adjustments to all items.
- the Maximizer works
This is probably all the time I have for at least a week. Looking forward to an easier life in Two Crazy Random Summer.![]()
When you say “MAC EOL”, are you referring to Unix line endings (LF)? That isn’t specific to macOS, though decades ago it used to use “CR” for line endings. When people say “Mac line endings”, they usually refer to that, but I have no idea why anyone would be creating files with them.Successfully fetched the five files that are in SVN now. Two of those files use MAC EOL and three use Windows. I decided that using the OS that was running to specify the EOL was better than requiring the checked in files to use one standard and forcing the local file to be byte by byte identical. Results are byte by byte identical on Windows when the checked in versions were committed from Windows (and identical, ignoring whitespace in all cases).
View attachment 9330
> tcrs check 2233
name = huge medical-grade bow tie
size = 0
quality =
modifiers = 'HP Regen Min: 7, HP Regen Max: 10'
Thanks! I pulled this in and adjusted it, now that we have three files per path to fetch and load.I'm afk for a bit so I'm going for a patch and not a commit.
Thanks! We now have three files needed for each class:I've ran TCRS derive for Sauceror-Marmot. I'm not sure if it has everything, the file has 10041 lines if that's correct? Anyway, here it is if that's useful to anyone. Happy to do more of these as I ascend into other classes if you're building up a store of them.
Thanks!I noticed you did not have any pastamancers in your data set so I created a forum account and ascended into one. I'm not the fastest ascender but I will try to provide them as I am able.