Character Info Toolbox

I guess that works, though it means memorizing or checking on the variables in the script unless I set it up the first time I check it out.

And sorry if I came across as a bit pissy last night, I had something of a sleep deficiency, not that that's really any excuse.

Also, is there by any chance an option to turn off the titles for the various bricks, i.e. if I don't want a block saying "stats" above my stats? Didn't see anything about it in the readme, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.
That option does not exist. I don't recall anyone suggesting it before and it would take a lot of coding to make it happen. Plus I'm not sure of a good way to express it in a universal way in preferences. I'd really have to find a way to express it in preferences before I could consider it.

I don't hate the idea, but it would be a good bit of work.
Ok, thanks - no real need for that really, I was just hoping to free up a bit more room.

I have however run into a different problem - when trying to set chit.toolbar.moods to the settig "bonus", it changes to false whenever I refresh the charpane. From what I can tell I am doing it correctly?
Ok, thanks - no real need for that really, I was just hoping to free up a bit more room.

I have however run into a different problem - when trying to set chit.toolbar.moods to the settig "bonus", it changes to false whenever I refresh the charpane. From what I can tell I am doing it correctly?
View attachment 8972

You are doing it correctly, the problem is with this line #51 in charpane.ash
setvar("chit.toolbar.moods", true);
When setting that var mafia expects either a true or false. It takes any other input as false when it is reloaded. changing that line fixes the issue
setvar("chit.toolbar.moods", "true");
So, I've recently entered aftercore, and I have no idea how to get rid of the gear changer box, which just showed up, and is preventing me from seeing my effects list. I typically don't bother with aftercore, but I'm waiting on someone to respond, so that I can send them their contest winnings. And this gear changer box, while useful, is also being a pain in the butt. What setting do I need to change to get rid of it?
Gear changer is part of default roof layout.

To remove it from the layout, copy paste the following command into the CLI:

set chit.roof.layout = character,stats
I guess that works, though it means memorizing or checking on the variables in the script unless I set it up the first time I check it out.

And sorry if I came across as a bit pissy last night, I had something of a sleep deficiency, not that that's really any excuse.

Also, is there by any chance an option to turn off the titles for the various bricks, i.e. if I don't want a block saying "stats" above my stats? Didn't see anything about it in the readme, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.

That option does not exist. I don't recall anyone suggesting it before and it would take a lot of coding to make it happen. Plus I'm not sure of a good way to express it in a universal way in preferences. I'd really have to find a way to express it in preferences before I could consider it.

I don't hate the idea, but it would be a good bit of work.

This would be fairly simple for one to do locally if one is confident enough to tweak their local files. (The change would need to be made to the copy in the svn folder to preserve the change on updates.)

at, approximately, line 126 in chit.css, add the bolded line below.

table.chit_brick th {
display: none;

It should then look like this:

(It looks like I cropped the toolbar out of the bottom of the pic...but it is still there.)

The familiar brick loses its link to the terrarium, but there is a redundant one in the familiar switcher. I can't recall if other important familiar info ever appears there or not. I think familiar-specific info is usually inside the brick, isn't it ? There are a few other bricks with linked titles as well.
Thanks, I believe I will make that change to my local copy :)

- edit -
If there is a particular brick I do want headers for, e.g. skills, is there any way to make that visible without too much work, or aren't the different headers uniquely identified?
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Yeah. They all have unique css identifiers, like id="chit_gear" or id="chit_effects" so you could put that in the CSS to be handled differently.
Also, due to the wonderful cascading nature of css, you can create your own 'chit_custom.css' and drop that into your relay folder. That will append / override / supplement the chit.css.

Also, this link might be useful.
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I always forget about the chit_custom.css feature you added! So... I believe it should remove all headers, except for the effects brick, if you have a file named chit_custom.css in your /relay folder with the following information...

table.chit_brick th {
    display: none;

#chit_effects table.chit_brick th {
    display: inline;

Anyone want to check me on that?
Is it possible to display the consumption information in the main pane (instead of having to click a button on the bottom)?
Yes. Just add the organs brick to either chit.roof.layout or chit.walls.layout and remove it from chit.toolbar.layout as described in the /data/chit_ReadMe.txt file.
Okay, I figured it out. I can use the "set chit.stats.layout =" command in Mafia to change the layout, but editing the setvar() defaults in charpane.ash doesn't do anything for me.
I'm editing it in these settings here:

However, nothing has changed. I relogged in Mafia, refreshed the page, still nothing different.

If you make the changes to the copy in the /svn directory then they won't be propogated to the working copy until you use the CLI command: svn sync

Edit: Upon reviewing the information in the readme file, it seems that I either ignored that information or assumed it as general knowlege. In either case, that was a mistake. I'll fix the read me. Thank you for making me aware of the documentation problem.