Bug - Not A Bug Expected damage calculations for slimes no longer works


This should have been responding with 299, not 1, in this case. My BBS scripts now fail and I am forced to manually check the pop-out panel for "expected dmg" in the slime section, which remains accurate. Is there now a new method I should be using to calculate monster + "Coated in Slime" damage? My scripts all use the top example. I tried a couple other things to see what popped out. Here's what was reported by poking lots of ideas into the gCLI:

> ash expected_damage($monster[slime1])

Returned: 1

> ash expected_damage($monster[slime4])

Returned: 1

> ash expected_damage($monster[slime])

Bad monster value: "slime" ()

> ash expected_damage( )

Returned: -2

> effects

Coated in Slime (7)



expected_damage() has NEVER handled damage from Coated in Slime, as far as I can tell. That would make no sense at all, since it otherwise estimates the damage you'll take each round, while that specific damage source is once per combat.


You are so correct. My bad. I'm using a script that predated effect 730 (Coated Arms) and was calling $effect[coated], so the fuzzy didn't match anymore. The expected_damage is as it should be. My debugging was not.
