sl_ascend - a cc_ascend fork

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Yeah that sounds like a reasonable request. Just a tip in case you haven't tried though: the mosquito familiar really shines in the NS fight.
Hello - thank you for maintaining the script - its a huge time saver - really appreciate it.

Sorry if this is already covered somewhere else, but is there a way to set up some sort of autosell blacklist? The script burns through things like typical tavern swill and hot wings, which makes crafting for a passable diet in hardcore standard quite tricky.
I've been trying to use this script, and I'm apparently not getting it right... It keeps adventuring with like 45 out of 250 hit points, getting beaten up, and then terminating, instead of healing up to a reasonable level before adventuring. What gives?
I have noticed that sometimes when this script updates I am asked to confirm if I trust it or not before it will install. This is the only script I have that does that, anyone knows why?
I have noticed that sometimes when this script updates I am asked to confirm if I trust it or not before it will install. This is the only script I have that does that, anyone knows why?

I believe you aren't reading carefully or a message is unclear. When ever a script updates and the update includes a new file (compared to what has been previously installed) Kolmafia asks you if you trust the new file. Since this script frequently adds new files, you get the prompt.

I understand there is a security reason for the prompt but I also wonder if the threat that the prompt addresses is (in practice) insignificant enough to disable the prompt instead?
A few assorted observations:

The script fights the tentacle in the science tent but never uses my Evoke Eldritch Horror skill to fight one. Do I need to set some value for skill # 168?

If you have a Cute Meteor, it should probably be prefered to the Oily Woim, as long as it is still in standard?
Same goes for the Mu viz the Imitation Crab?

I noticed that in a lot of fights, the problems / failures are generated by the script not utilizing Curse of Weaksauce. That might be due to low MP, but my character usually has tons of meat on it and is maxed out in iotms/skills. It would be great if the script could check for a few simple ways of restoring MP to make sure at least non-trivial fights are still won. I dunno, I probably am not understanding how the script approaches combat very well.
A few assorted observations:

The script fights the tentacle in the science tent but never uses my Evoke Eldritch Horror skill to fight one. Do I need to set some value for skill # 168?

If you have a Cute Meteor, it should probably be prefered to the Oily Woim, as long as it is still in standard?
Same goes for the Mu viz the Imitation Crab?

I noticed that in a lot of fights, the problems / failures are generated by the script not utilizing Curse of Weaksauce. That might be due to low MP, but my character usually has tons of meat on it and is maxed out in iotms/skills. It would be great if the script could check for a few simple ways of restoring MP to make sure at least non-trivial fights are still won. I dunno, I probably am not understanding how the script approaches combat very well.

Boes, It is better to report this to the github site the developers of the script watch that much more closely
The "Potion of Temporary Gr8tness" has been renamed to the "Potion of Temporary Gr8ness". This is apparently sufficient to crash the script.
Script gets stuck waiting on a reply from CheeseFax to fortune teller requests. CheeseFax hasn't been on for a few days and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell the script to skip this step.
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