My personal Meat farming script

Revision 179 will get free fights from the Neverending Party and from the God Lobster.

For the God Lobster, it will successively get pieces of his raiment until it gets a crown, and henceforth the get experience (and a Dish of Clarified Butter). It will wear your normal meat farming outfit and depend on your CCS to decide how to defeat it.

For the Neverending Party, it will not start (or advance) a quest and when given the choice to visit a room, it will fight a random partier. For this, it will use your Item Drop familiar and will use an outfot called "Neverending Party". I suppose I could just use "Item Drop", rather than requiring a special outfit, but whatever. If you WANT to do quests, do them by hand (or another script) before running this script.
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Would you be willing to entertain a request to have VMF, optionally, buff HP prior to using VSG? When I run VSG by itself I buff HP prior to starting but there's no way to do that if VSG is run as part of VMF.

Chugging a few inexpensive potions: temporary greatness, ferrignos, cold-filtered water, philter of phorce is usually enough.
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How about if I add a congiration option to VSG - VSG.SetupScript, say - which will default to "", but if you set it, it will be a script that VSG will "call" before it starts actually running turns in the Spacegate? It could be a CLI script (xxx.txt) or an ASH script (xxx.ash) and you could script up whatever you wanted. A CLI script to do what you ,emtioned would be as simple as

use 1 potion of temporary gr8ness
use 1 cold-filetered water
use 1 philter of phorce
use 1 Ferrigno's Elixir of Power
i need help when i run the script i get
VMF.MeatFamiliar: '' is unavailable.
VMF.ItemFamiliar: '' is unavailable.

VMF.FamiliarEquipment: 'ittah bittah hookah' is unavailable; using whatever is equipped.
VMF.DefaultOutfit 'Meat Drop' is unavailable.
VMF.ItemDropOutfit 'Item Drop' is unavailable.
VMF.HatterBuff: 'Dances with Tweedles' requires a hat of length 22, which you lack.
VMF.NEPOutfit: 'Neverending Party' is unavailable.
Correct those errors and try again.

How to fix these errors
The script requires some configuration before it can be used. Instructions are near the top of the script:

// ***************************
//        Requirements       *
// ***************************

// Hobo Monkey (or Leprechaun) (configurable)
// ittah bittah hookah (or universal familiar equpment of your choice) (configurable/optional)
// Preconfigured outfits (configurable)
//    "Barf Mountain" - for adventuring in Barf Mountain
//    "Deep Machine Tunnels" - for adventuring in The Deep Machine Tunnels
//    "Gingerbread City" - for adventuring in the Gingerbread City
//    "Neverending Party" - for adventuring in The Neverending Party
//    "Tunnel of LOVE" - for adventuring in the Tunnel of L.O.V.E.
//    "Icy Peak" - for adventuring in The Icy Peak
//    "Item Drop" - for adventuring where items are more important than Meat
//    "Meat Drop" - for adventuring anywhere else
//    "Velvet" - for collecting a reward from The Towering Inferno Discotheque
// CCS configured
// HP & MP restoration configured
// Mood configured
// Breakfast configured

Browsing the script will tell you more but here's one example: create an outfit and name it "Meat Drop".
Other values must be configured on the command line:
set VMF.MeatFamiliar = Leprechaun

You must have whatever you set as the familiar in your terrarium.

The script is very flexible but requires quite a few things to run well. If you don't have certain zones available you may run into insurmountable, at present, issues.
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thanks for you help now i need to figure what wrong with my item familiar not being set and questioning why i need neverending party outfit other.
Also forgot to check hatterbuff :P
The script requires some configuration before it can be used
The script is very flexible but requires quite a few things to run well. If you don't have certain zones available you may run into insurmountable, at present, issues.
Thanks for helping with this; I was out of town for the last 5 days.
What do you mean by "quite a few things"? Which zones?

My goal/intent is to make everything optional or configurable; you should not NEED to have IOTMs or content-opening items/familiars, etc., but it will use them if you have them. If I'm wrong about that, I am eager to fix it.

thanks for you help now i need to figure what wrong with my item familiar not being set and questioning why i need neverending party outfit other.
Also forgot to check hatterbuff :P
I though NEP was complerely optional and only requirees the outfit if you have access. I'll check.
(As to why you need an outfit if you go there, it's scaling monseters and you probably want item drop. It's up to you.)

The hatter buff I think is not optional because it only costs a 100 Meat to get the item to go there.
I am surprised the default is not the Meat Drop buff. WIll check.

boolean never_ending_party_available = ( get_property( "neverendingPartyAlways" ).to_boolean() || get_property( "_neverendingPartyToday" ).to_boolean() );
This determines if you have a permanent invitation or a day pass. What does it say when you do thin in the gCLI?

get neverendingPartyAlways
get _neverendingPartyToday

Using that:

    // *** Neverending Party
    if ( never_ending_party_available ) {
	if ( !have_outfit( nep_outfit ) ) {
	    print( "VMF.NEPOutfit: '" + nep_outfit + "' is unavailable.", "red" );
	    valid = false;
It only looks for the outfit if you can go to the party.

None of my test multis has the NEP. None of them is nagged about the outfit.
I only took a quick look at the code when I answered and it appeared that the NEP outfit was required even if the character didn't have access to the NEP. That didn't make sense but...quick look. ;)

Based on that the NEP zone was the only zone that came to mind as a potential problem.

I should have written something like: "for better MPA better equipment and buffs will serve you well" instead of "requires quite a few things to run well"
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The hatter buff I think is not optional because it only costs a 100 Meat to get the item to go there.
I am surprised the default is not the Meat Drop buff. WIll check.
The script checks for an appropriate hat, but doesn't suggest any if none of the proper length is found.

    // *** Clan Looking Glass
    if ( hatter_buff != NO_EFFECT ) {
	int hat_length = hatter_effects[ hatter_buff ];
	if ( hat_length == 0 ) {
	    print( "VMF.HatterBuff: '" + hatter_buff + "' is not available at the Mad Tea Party.", "red" );
	    valid = false;
	} else if ( !available_hat( hat_length ) ){
	    print( "VMF.HatterBuff: '" + hatter_buff + "' requires a hat of length " + hat_length +", which you lack.", "red" );
	    valid = false;
You can disable going for the hatter buff:

set VMF.HatterBuff=none
Otherwise, it will check for an available hat.
The default effect is "Dancing With Tweedles".
I recommend "filthy knitted dread sack".
don't know for i have neverparty perm invite so might not broken but some reason it not recognizing the outfit i made for it.
i tried NEP Outfit and NEPOutfit doesn't seem to work and info for item familiar don't sure if thats required or not or why i have problem setting for it maybe its spaces?
You have to set the appropriate setting. All of the settings for VeracityMeatFarm start with "VMF".

string nep_outfit = define_property( "VMF.NEPOutfit", "string", "Neverending Party" );
From that, you can see that the setting name is "VMF.NEPOutfit" and if you don't set it, the default outfit name is Neverending Party. If you want another name, do this:

set VMF.NEPOutfit=Your Outfit Name Here
For the familiar:

familiar item_familiar = define_property( "VMF.ItemFamiliar", "familiar", "none" ).to_familiar();
The setting name is VMF.ItemFamiliar.

Perhaps you are omitting the "VMF."?
pretty sure i'm not i'll try again see it works if was same for vmf.meatfamiliar in cli it should be the same for itemfamiliar
tried again it seem fine now i guess may have mistype it or something else. Just to let you know copy paste what you type out for VMF.ItemFamiliar just incase i was inputting it wrong for some odd reason.
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When the script is trying to get a lil pirate outfit it keeps going to the obligatory pirate cove even if I have Dinsey available. The script knows that I have Dinsey so why doesn't it go to the pirate barge where there are no non-combats?
Because I didn't know that worked and didn't code it in.
Thanks for the tip! I'll look in to it.