Bale's Relay Overrides

The Wikilinks script for effects and items shows the standard wiki page rather than an enhanced screen. I can't duplicate this with familiars or clan trophies. I can't test guardians or skills that I know of right now. I tried removing my Relay folder and then re-installing and saw the same effect.
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I'm not 100% sure what you're saying. I think that you telling me that when checking the description of an item the name of the item and effect links to the standard wiki page for that item as it is supposed to do, but there is no additional information on the item's description saying what skill you will get for absorbing it.

If my interpretation of your words is correct, I have to ask if you are sure you have updated the script and also if you are currently in a Gelcore ascension. If you are not a Gelatinous Noob, then that information will not be present.
I'm sorry - just realized that I'd checked the "Check Wiki for item descriptions" Mafia setting, which was giving me the KoL Wiki page. After setting it back I now see the correct data from the item popup. Apologies for my error.
And I didn't even realize that there was such an option. No wonder I was so confused by your problem. We both learned something today!
I just edited my copy of campground to also include the Asdon Martin in the dropdown, and figured I might as well save other people the 15 seconds needed to search through the script to find out how, but since I can't update the svn, people will still have to do it manually (at least, until Bale notices this).
Simply add "Asdon Martin keyfob," into the listing of items on line 118 (continuing onto line 119).
Odd question, but when I have the topmenu installed, I have the "Change Clan" dropdown showing twice. Removing topmenu removes both. Is there a way to make it only show the box once?
Odd question, but when I have the topmenu installed, I have the "Change Clan" dropdown showing twice. Removing topmenu removes both. Is there a way to make it only show the box once?

I'm assuming you're talking about icon mode. Weirdly the script has this line included in topmenu.ash [line 374]
	else if(results.contains_text("awesomemenu.php"))
even though there is already a file that takes care of that awesomemenu.ash. Removing awesomemenu.ash would fix this.
topmenu relay script looks excellent.
I Personally prefer the drop down lists myself, and have always wanted to do my own. Is it rather difficult to do?
topmenu relay script looks excellent.
I Personally prefer the drop down lists myself, and have always wanted to do my own. Is it rather difficult to do?

It would be fairly easy if you are familiar with HTML and can script some simple text substitution.

If you aren't familiar with HTML, then you'd just have to learn to recognize the HTML of a drop-down list and copy its structure. And if you aren't familiar with any scripting, you'd only have a few functions and data structures to learn. Mostly you'd just learn it by studying what I do in that script and copying the methods.