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  1. G

    Bug - Fixed Cannot store boolean in f of type float

    > ash get_property("baleUr_BirdThreshold") Returned: 0.1 > ash float f = get_property("baleUr_BirdThreshold").to_float(); Cannot store boolean in f of type float () Returned: void This is taken from Universal Recovery, but either way it seems bugged to me that a float property can't be...
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    Bug - Fixed Outfit saving instead of putting on

    Yesterday I saved an outfit as "save-20111022". KoL accepts this as an outfit name. Today I typed: outfit save-20111022 Mafia saved my current outfit as "-20111022". Is this worth solving, or should I just think of better names for my outfits? :rolleyes:
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    Bug - Fixed Event messages in relay browser persisting across sessions

    Logging out of a character and then back in with a new character doesn't clear the events that show up at the top of the page. I'm really sorry to be such a pest with these event things. I really like the concept of the feature, though!
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    This script requires javascript to be allowed. I hate star charts and always have to look up the numbers. I thought I would share my javascript adding, HTML tweaking scriptlet with you folks. If anything is broken for you, let me know. EDIT: Some screenshots: The dropdown list Value...
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    Hands Free Hamster

    ############## Overview ############## This project is a series of scripts to automate the process of obtaining Hodgman's Imaginary Hamster. This is still a work in process, but I now believe the scripts are at a stage where they can be successfully used, providing the run goes smoothly with...
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    Bug - Fixed Chat doesn't work cleanly in CLI or headless modes

    This is sort of both a feature request and a bug report: Feature Request: Screenshot for illustration. With the new updates allowing us to parse chat using chatbot scripts, and receive maps of people present, I don't think it should still be essential to open these frames if we are running...
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    Bug - Fixed Uneffect "Burning, Man" in relay browser not working

    Clicking on the left pane effect (underlined turn number) leads to not removing the effect, and the following print out in the CLI: > uneffect Burning, Man Ambiguous effect name: Burning burning ears burning hands burning heart burning soul burning, man Ambiguous effect name: Man burning, man...
  8. G

    Feature - Implemented Removal of "Update" Function (Discuss!)

    I like the fact that chat now allows you to see when someone asks for an update on chat, but should it be default behaviour for an individual to automatically send someone a log of previous conversation on request? I know this isn't a huge issue, but I feel there should probably be some small...
  9. G

    Bug - Fixed Unrecorded PM responses in mafia chat

    I have a screenshot, but it needs explaining. I send GsL a PM via the mafia interface (with KoL chat open too, but I have tested to ensure the effect is the same with no KoL relay running) saying meat total. I see the response in KoL, but not in mafia. When I don't have the relay open, I simply...
  10. G

    Bug - Fixed Mis-spelling of Arrrbor Day Apparrrrrel

    Outfits.txt spells it Arrrbor Day Aparrrrrel (without the double P)
  11. G

    Bug - Not A Bug Me Being Annoying About Disable()

    ASH's disable() function... >ash disable( "all" ); Returned: void > ash enable( "all" ) Called disabled command: ash enable( "all" ) Would it be possible to either make it so "all" would only disable functions called all(), or make it so that enable() is excluded from disable( "all" )? I...
  12. G

    Feature - Implemented Ed The Undying and CCS scripts

    [ default ] 1: skill entangling noodles 2: skill spring raindrop attack 3: skill shieldbutt [648] The Lower Chambers (Empty/Rubble) Encounter: Ed the Undying Round 0: Grotfang loses initiative! Round 1: Grotfang casts ENTANGLING NOODLES! Round 2: Grotfang casts SPRING RAINDROP ATTACK! Round 3...
  13. G

    Feature - Implemented Fortune Cookie Counter

    Upon ascension, your cookie counter is removed and set the first time you visit adventure.php. Given mafia already inserts a pair of counters to represent your semi-rare window after finding a semi-rare, would it be possible to produce a similar window the first time in an ascension you visit...
  14. G

    Volcano Maze (beta)

    Volcano Maze Solver CptJesus and I spent a few hours together putting together a script to handle the Volcano Maze. Our work is attached below. Warnings: 1) This script only works if you are at the beginning of the maze. I will say this again, louder: This script only works if you are at the...
  15. G

    Debug Log Output

    I have all five options checked in the (debug) preferences. When I clicked Start Debug Log I expected internal function calls to be recorded. They weren't. The output I got from trying to adventure (while drunk) Trick-or-Treating was as follows...
  16. G

    The Skill Data Type

    I'm looking at various script writing stuff at the moment, and have hit a little barrier - I was wondering if anyone could help. I want a user to be able to input any skill to an ASH script, that I can then use in some analysis later. However, the pop up box that appears when a skill type is in...
  17. G

    Abort vs exit

    Abort vs exit (/return) So, I'm a big fan of using exit in my scripts when I want them to stop running. Can someone clarify why abort() is so common in its place? What's the difference and why is abort favoured?
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    Sewer Grate Information

    Hey guys, In the hobopolis sewers, I am trying to find a way to retrieve the number of grates that have been opened. I understand that: string parse_logs = visit_url( "clan_raidlogs.php" ); Will produce a string of the dungeon logs. The lines I am looking for are all in the fashion: <name>...
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    Unexpected map entry

    So, I am using this code to generate a list of clan members by id (code later adds more info, but that works fine). I am expecting a map to be generated (called player_id) which has the first id on the detailed roster page (obtained from the showplayer.php?who= part of the frame source code) as...
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    Hobopolis chatbot script

    Musician 1.5 Removed. (Check last post) So, I've described previously how adventuring in hobopolis at the correct time for speed runs could be troublesome for me, due to time differences, and as a result I have created a script that allows me to leave my character online overnight and be...