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  1. S

    Feature Better dark mode in the KoLmafia window

    I see some requests for relay browser dark mode support, but I'm talking about the main KoLmafia window. I know that you can change your look and feel, and that there are a wide variety of dark mode settings available. But they all struggle in some places, because KoLmafia and many user scripts...
  2. S

    Bug Flagellate Flagon is not tracked properly

    Reusable. When it is used, it makes your next drink give a small amount of exp, based on its size. Can be used once/day. KoLmafia incorrectly tracks it in the session log as being consumed upon use. It should track daily usage via a preference like _flagellateFlagonUsed. It could also track if...
  3. S

    Feature Track mini kiwi received from resting in mini kiwi tipi housing

    You can get a free daily mini kiwi from resting in your mini kiwi tipi, but mafia doesn't seem to track it.
  4. S

    Bug - Fixed lastTrainsetConfiguration incorrectly reset during initialization

    In unrestricted aftercore (after a grey you run), I configured my trainset at 623, ran 34 combats so that trainsetPosition was at 657, then my script aborted, I killed Java and then restarted mafia. Upon initialization of the session, mafia unhelpfully set lastTrainsetConfiguration from 623 to...
  5. S

    Feature Change item string fuzzy matching to prefer owned items

    The CLI commands `use`, `drink`, `equip`, `maximize`, and others, all use fuzzy matching for items when an exact match of an item name is not provided. If multiple items match the string that you submit, mafia chooses 1 of them for you. This can result in unexpected behaviour, especially when...
  6. S

    Bug - Fixed Sweatpants don't need to be equipped to cast sweat NC skills

    Mafia is changing my pants when I cast Sweat Out Some Booze, where it can be cast just fine without switching pants. This is bad, because sometimes I am wearing pants that I cannot re-equip. (e.g. You can equip gear before breaking the prism after a Grey You run, whereupon you will be reduced to...
  7. S

    Bug - Fixed getPermedSkills() not correctly showing all skills in avatar path

    I have a character in AoSP who has several perms, but `js getPermedSkills()` returns only [ Cannelloni Cocoon: false ]. See attached "view source" html from my profile page, which shows I also have Torso Awareness, Advanced Cocktailcrafting, and Super Human Cocktailcrafting permed. I've...
  8. S

    Bug toClass(1) returns none

    Mafia version r26880 Other classes seem to work (e.g. toClass(2) returns turtle tamer, 3 returns pastamancer, etc.)
  9. S

    Feature track use of cartography 1/ascension NCs

    There's currently no way to know if a special carto NC has been used or not this run. It can often be inferred, based on which quests you've completed, but it is impossible to know if you are in aftercore after a run in a path that does not get permed skill access (avatar paths, journeyman...
  10. S

    Bug - Fixed Goose-duping a Shen quest item increments questL11Shen step twice

    [194] The Batrat and Ratbat Burrow Preference lastEncounter changed from sausage goblin to the Batsnake Encounter: the Batsnake Round 0: sketchysolid wins initiative! Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 4 to 3 Round 1: sketchysolid executes a macro! Round 1: sketchysolid casts...
  11. S

    Feature - Implemented Provide some display when the carnivorous potted plant noms an enemy

    Session logs and GCLI don't indicate when the carnivorous potted plant freekills an enemy for you, and I would like such a message. You need to infer that from combat sometimes being unexpectedly won and the message "This combat did not cost a turn". The similar mafia thumb ring has both a...
  12. S

    Feature Use magical sausages for mp restoration

    I'm making these magical sausages and eating them, but I don't care when I eat them throughout the day. Might as well use them as an MP restore instead of spending meat on other restores. I'd like a checkbox to use magical sausages as an mp restore to automatically restore mp as needed.
  13. S

    muffin - a monorail breakfast counter helper

    I wrote up a script that will order or collect a muffin for you. The monorail breakfast counter is annoying to navigate, but I've got you covered! You can find the project at A muffin-management script for Kingdom of Loathing - for use with KoLmafia Copy...
  14. S

    current page html

    I'd like to overload the run_choice() command to accept a string, then use regex to find the corresponding choice button with that text, and then pass the choice # of that button to the regular run_choice() command. run_choice() doesn't take a buffer parameter, but it somehow has access to the...
  15. S

    Feature Add Muffin Command

    Add a GCLI command to pick up and/or order a new muffin from the monorail breakfast counter. Currently this requires a scripter to navigate an NC chain that changes depending on your current # of adventures, your # of earthenware muffin tins in inventory, and whether you've ordered/picked up a...
  16. S

    Bug - Fixed gooseDronesRemaining sometimes not decrementing

    Sometimes after item drops, gooseDronesRemaining changes after a dupe, but sometimes it's missed. It eventually fixes itself after a future dupe, but it looks like there are errors in text matching for goose drone activation.
  17. S

    Bug - Fixed New VIP fireworks shop equipment not considered in Maximizer

    Catherine Wheel is not considered by maximizer, and is even removed when no other back slot items are available and removing it would lower score. Probably some of the new items haven't been added to the maximizer database yet?
  18. S

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer won't equip Familiar Scrapbook

    I can't get maximizer to equip familiar scrapbook, even when explicitly telling it to with "+equip familiar scrapbook".
  19. S

    Feature - Implemented Consider backupcamera mode settings in maximizer.

    When asked to maximize a stat that it's not set to, this latest IotM is not considered. All 3 forms should be considered, and the command "backupcamera mode [meat | ml | init]" should be called to change mode if selected by the maximizer. The Backup Camera IotM can be set to +50% meat drops...