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  1. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented You, Robot - Spring Challenge Path

    > use 1 robo-b (usable quantity of sparking robo-battery is limited to 0 by needed restoration)
  2. Crowther

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I think I saw almost a dozen scripts that people had to update for that change. Thanks, everyone.
  3. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented You, Robot - Spring Challenge Path

    When you do that, then go back to the bird cage, mafia won't let you "switch" to the familiar it thinks you have. I had to switch to another familiar and back to get it right again.
  4. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented You, Robot - Spring Challenge Path

    When you free the king, KoL gives you your campground and skills back, but mafia doesn't know to check them.
  5. Crowther

    New Content IOTM - Feb 2021 - Emotion Chip

    Nope. I paste a tab into the window and it turns into spaces. I'm pretty sure an attachment will preserve tabs. EDIT: Yup that worked.
  6. Crowther

    New Content IOTM - Feb 2021 - Emotion Chip

    I copied it from my session file and I had to do it outside of my terminal switching "screen" program. There were tabs not spaces when I hit post. I'll see if I can make it work with code tags.
  7. Crowther

    Bug Can't log in

  8. Crowther

    New Content IOTM - Feb 2021 - Emotion Chip

    This should have tabs preserved. -------------------- 10733 emotion chip 433546358 emochip_clean.gif usable t 0 Item emotion chip Free Pull -------------------- -------------------- 2631 Feeling Peaceful emochip10.gif 6dbb54082c6f253bb57eb125cc5ecb55 neutral...
  9. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented July 2019 IotM - Beach Comb

    I can't remember the protocol for things missing from a thread marked "implemented", sorry if I got it wrong. Kelp needs its stats and effect set. My logs (30+ chews) are consistent with the wiki. I get 10-20 of each stat and 50 turns of Does a Body Good. I've attached an untested patch.
  10. Crowther

    New Content Crimbo 2020

    And " (stale)" was added to the food and " (brackish)" to the drink.
  11. Crowther

    New Content Crimbo 2020

    Earlier today they were still awesome, but now they are simply decent.
  12. Crowther

    How to drink a lucky lindy?

    There's also "drink(1, $item[lucky lindy]);".
  13. Crowther

    Bug null pointer error while parsing skills

    Thanks for all your work. Yes, I read too fast and didn't try the patch. I was able to log on just now without an error.
  14. Crowther

    Bug null pointer error while parsing skills

    Sorry, I got busy decorating. Thanks for looking into this. I'm still getting errors with r20547. Here's my character sheet. While this account has ascended, it was a long time ago.
  15. Crowther

    Bug null pointer error while parsing skills

    I got a null pointer error today. The code it happened on is parsing my character's skills. Two characters work fine in r20539. One character works, one fails in r20544. Debug log attached. The skills on the character where things fail:
  16. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented September IotM - bagged Cargo Cultist Shorts

    I'm looking forward to ash support, but I have no clue what that would look like. As far as I can tell, all the new items are tradable. Prices are dropping pretty quickly too.
  17. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Army of Toddlers kill weirdness

    And Scurvy Challenge just ended!
  18. Crowther

    Commands for past IotMs

    You can do it in the relay browser or use a script.
  19. Crowther


    I couldn't resist. I got three space caves, so ZKRFNZK is really a rocks7.
  20. Crowther

    Feature - Implemented print()++

    I would expect all these to produce the same result:string s1 = 2 + 2; int two = 2; string s2 = two + two; print(s1); print(s2); print(2+2); print(two+two);And they do: 4. I can understand expecting them all to produce 22, but I don't like that. Print certainly shouldn't be special.