Bug Can't log in


New member
I somewhat recently got a new laptop, running Windows 10. My old laptop is also running 10, and Mafia works fine there. I moved mafia from one computer to the other, I've done it before and had no issues.
I am running v20.7, using build 20622 (the .jar)
If I open mafia via the .exe, or the .jar, I get the same results except with the .jar I get "Unable to invoke PK" (I don't have any scripts called PK) when I first open mafia.
I've tried messing with connection settings, and keep getting
"Installing naive certificate validation...
Sending login request...
IOException during data post (login.php): Connection timed out: connect.
Requests complete."
Can you connect to kingdomofloating.com in the browser?

I suspect that Crowther has it-- it's probably Win10 or some security component (firewall) preventing you from connecting to, but you should make sure it's working in vanilla.

You might also look at the Event log(s) for the system to see if it says anything interesting about blocking requests.
When I changed the Java install on Windows 10 I often got a prompt about needing an exception for the Windows 10 firewall rules when I ran it. The old exceptions did not apply to the new version. The prompt to change the rule happened the first time I ran and tried to connect to the network. Some quick research on Windows Firewall Rules might turn up things to try.
I poked around in the Firewall settings, couldn't see anything, tried to add an exception, didn't work - double checked everything I did by turning all windows firewalls off just long enough to try logging in via mafia - no dice.
I can connect to the login screen the vanilla way.
I looked at event logs, don't see anything pertaining to mafia or firefox at the times I'm trying to login.
I remember things that didn't happen. In that spirit I remember some issue with certificates used for SSL by mafia. Mafia was finding and using a cert that had expired or belonged to an untrusted authority. The solution was to find the correct certificate store and point Java to use it. Does anyone remember anything similar?

I will observe that if someone can log into KoL without mafia but not with mafia then it is probably a Java issue and not a more general network issue.
Using an old version of java might mean using old truststores, with only old root certificates. Those don't expire often, but a server might switch to a new server certificate ultimately signed with a newer root certificate - and that new root wouldn't be in an old truststore. But the current certificate chain I see on www.kingdomofloathing.com has "Not Before 5/26/2015" which ... java 8 update 45 or java 7 update 80 probably wouldn't have it yet, anything newer should? Maybe. AT least for oracle jre.
Try moving the JAR or EXE to another folder without the old data files. I don't think that's the problem, but it's an easy test. After that, I'd start on Java, Windows, certificates, firewall, and software versions.