Bug - Fixed Army of Toddlers kill weirdness


When killing a monster with Army of Toddlers, KoL doesn't show the monster in the next round of combat. This causes Mafia to get confused and pick an item drop as the monster and draw the monster decorations on it. I think most of us have seen that happen, and I figured it was just a display bug, inconsistent, but harmless. However, today I had it happen while killing in the skeleton store, in a fight in which a Gathered Meat-clip also dropped. Turns out that the display bug causes an off-by-one error in the inline use links for dropped items, so clicking the link next to the meat-clip ate the lemon (the last drop above the clip) instead of using the meat clip. (In fairness, the link said "eat" not "use", I just didn't notice until after I'd clicked it.)

Anyway, long story short, the weirdness with Army of Toddlers isn't necessarly *just* a display bug, so I thought I'd file a report. Luckily, it was in a run that was already screwed up, so it didn't wreck a leaderboard attempt or anything. :)

EDIT: r20404, FYI

Screenshot from 2020-09-27 19-26-56.png
I'lll look at this, by and by. All of my multis now have Boxing Daycare - and some are approaching a billion toddlers. Who knew the Kingdom was so populous?
Considering how long the place can care for them even when I don't log in at all, I expect that when I ascend they all grow up, become adventurers, and get beaten up by monsters.
Revision 20441 will not try to annotate the monster if there is no 'monname' span. I.e., if KoL is not showing the monster picture/name/Manueal of the monster.