Search results

  1. ereinion

    How do I craft my pantogram pants using mafia?

    Especially in aftercore I often craft the same pants every day, and going through the 5 pulldown menus in the choice every time is something I'd like to automate. However, I can't figure out what the url used to do this / what other commands I'd use to accomplish my goal would be. Have any of...
  2. ereinion

    How can I grab my mall sales activity in a script?

    I created a page for the function on the wiki, basing it on the get_campground page. I'd appreciate if someone had a look at it, to see if it is good enough, and if there is any info...
  3. ereinion

    New Content corked genie bottle

    Using wishes via the /wish chat command, does not increase the _genieWishesUsed property. Not a huge deal, but it would be nice if it did. Or even just having it increase to three if you arrive at the "You have no wishes left" page
  4. ereinion

    How can I grab my mall sales activity in a script?

    Thanks a ton for implementing this :) I wrote this for some simple parsing of my store-log, feel free to use it if you want to:void write_big_sales(int limit) { string[int] shopLog = get_shop_log(); matcher meat_gain; string pattern = "for (\\d+) Meat"; int meat...
  5. ereinion

    How can I grab my mall sales activity in a script?

    I'd also be very interested in this, mostly because it is a pain finding out what big sales have happened inbetween all the 100-1000000 meat sales with the current layout. Just an option to sort the store log in the mall manager by the size of the purchases would be much appreciated, really.
  6. ereinion

    Feature - Rejected Modifier maximizer, elemental attack bonus for sorceress tower

    Ooh, that's handy - thanks for the pointer! :)
  7. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed Prefer non-breakable over breakable equipment in the maximizer

    Well, I usually use -tie when maximizing, so it could be because of that, perhaps? It is something I probably should have checked before posting this thread :P Though it seems removing -tie from the maximizer string isn't enough to make it prefer the astral sweater:
  8. ereinion

    Feature - Rejected Modifier maximizer, elemental attack bonus for sorceress tower

    Agreed. Atm, there is so much stuff in the dropdown, that I just type in what I want to maximize, no matter what it is. Trying to find it within all the current options is just more work than typing in a word or two.
  9. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed Prefer non-breakable over breakable equipment in the maximizer

    When two pieces of equipment gives the same effect, like e.g. the astral pet sweater and sugar shield, could the maximizer prefer the equipment which does not break if all other things are equal? At the moment I get the sugar shield suggested unless I already have the pet sweater equipped.
  10. ereinion

    Feature - Rejected Modifier maximizer, elemental attack bonus for sorceress tower

    You can put in e.g. "hot damage, hot spell damage, -tie" for the elemental tests.
  11. ereinion


    I get a warning Multiple matches for "Slicked-Back Do"; using "[1553]Slicked-Back Do". (relay_Guide.ash, line 3026) Clarify by using one of: "[1342]Slicked-Back Do" "[1553]Slicked-Back Do" Is this something which is fixable?
  12. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Add option in maximizer to exclude effects which take adventures to get

    When selecting what buffs to use in the maximizer, I generally do not want to get effects which take 1 or more adventures to get. However when choosing a large amounts of effects to acquire, such as when buffing up to a high item drop bonus in aftercore, I sometimes miss the adventure cost in...
  13. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Prevent Gelatinous Noob combat rate effects from being extended when burning mp

    Burning mp in Gelatinous Noob increases the +/- combat effects specific to the path (effect (effect#) / skill (skill#)): Bent Knees (2270) / Bendable Knees (23301) Extended Toes (2271) / Retractable Toes (23302) Ink Cloud (2272) / Ink Gland (23303) Frown (2273) / Frown Muscles (23304) Angry...
  14. ereinion

    Help with using the maximizer

    I try, but it can be hard to see the adventure cost inbetween all the other info when trying to mark e.g. all buffs below 30k meat cost and +100% item drop, so sometimes it gets included by mistake. It's no biggie though, I just wondered if there was some option I'd missed to filter out buffs on...
  15. ereinion

    Help with using the maximizer

    Oh, it does add the adventure cost to the notes, I just click it by mistake anyway :P
  16. ereinion

    Help with using the maximizer

    Is there any way to exclude effects which takes turns to cast when using the maximizer? I keep accidentally doing the roach path with llama gongs when buffing for items, losing steely-eyed squint (and a few adventures) in the process :P
  17. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed Red mana is not deducted from inventory when casting lightning

    Red mana hasn't been deducted frommy inventory when casting lightning against the witchess witch this ascension. I am gonna assume it does not subtract it when lightning is used against other monsters either, but I'd prefer not testing it before I am out of the run.
  18. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented Nov '17 IOTM: pantogram -> portable pantogram

    Using a ten-leaf clover to craft pants does not deduct it from mafia's inventory (sadly it is removed from my inventory in kol). I'm gonna guess the same is true for other items spent crafting the pants too.