Feature - Rejected Modifier maximizer, elemental attack bonus for sorceress tower


In the sorceress tower, you need to beat 3 groups of adventurers. the higher the relevant stat, the fewer you have to fight (and thus fewer adventures are waste).

The first test is initiative. Modifier maximizer is extremely useful here

The second test is one of the 3 base stats, chosen at random. Modifier maximizer is extremely useful here as well

The third test is the sum of your bonus damage and bonus spell damage for one of the 5 elements, chosen at random. The modifier maximizer doesn't seem to have an option for optimizing that in the dropdown menu list of options, and it would be great if it did.
You can put in e.g. "hot damage, hot spell damage, -tie" for the elemental tests.
thank you, that was helpful.
I still think this should be among the default options in the dropdown menu.

Also, would the above count an item such as "+8 to all hot damage" as +16? (+8 physical hot and +8 magic hot damage)
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I still think this should be among the default options in the dropdown menu.

I almost think it might be better if there were no default options in the dropdown, so people don't think those are the only options available.

No one ever sees the help button there.
I almost think it might be better if there were no default options in the dropdown, so people don't think those are the only options available.

No one ever sees the help button there.
I was mostly trying to be polite to ereinion by thanking him for his attempt to help. rather than indicating that i didn't know it could be done.

To begin with the feature request was meant to be for the default drop down options to be amended by adding the 5 possible elemental tests at the tower. Rather than adding the technical capability to execute it if you know what command to type in.
I explained it poorly
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I almost think it might be better if there were no default options in the dropdown, so people don't think those are the only options available..
I was thinking the same thing. I'm confused by taltamir's response above. There have been many people who don't realize that the defaults are mostly examples. To me it seems adding more makes the problem worse. Maybe one of the defaults should be "write your own"? No, that's a horrible idea.
I remember some angst about defaults and a MRU list and how they should interact.

I'm reminded of several command line tools that grew in popularity to the point that the most common uses were available via a (separate) GUI. If you knew what you were doing, you never even installed the GUI and if your needs were simple you didn't even know there was a command line lurking under the hood.

Perhaps it is time to rethink the interface? My first thought, which is almost certainly wrong, is that there is a text box where you can type commands and a drop down that lets you select from the most recently used commands. That is pretty much what we have now except in the New World Order there is nothing special about the defaults and, if present and not used, they will definitely fall off the end of the MRU. The second component would be a set of buttons, five perhaps. Each button was associated with a command and pressing the button "copied" the command to the text box and then executed it. Initially I can see the buttons being defined by whatever dev implemented this. Eventually it would become something like Daily Deeds where there was some way for add, remove, define or redefine button meanings.
I was thinking the same thing. I'm confused by taltamir's response above. There have been many people who don't realize that the defaults are mostly examples. To me it seems adding more makes the problem worse. Maybe one of the defaults should be "write your own"? No, that's a horrible idea.
I thought the point of the defaults was convenience rather than examples.
So adding commonly used commands to the defaults will be really convenient for many people.
I thought the point of the defaults was convenience rather than examples.
So adding commonly used commands to the defaults will be really convenient for many people.

Yes, but...

A significant number of questions asked here about the maximizer are based on the incorrect assumption, by the user, that the ONLY maximizer commands are the ones in the dropdown.

A command in the dropdown is only convenient for ME if I can find it in the dropdown faster than I can remember and type it. That means I want my defaults at the top, which is fine until you and I have different opinions as to the importance of the various commands.
Agreed. Atm, there is so much stuff in the dropdown, that I just type in what I want to maximize, no matter what it is. Trying to find it within all the current options is just more work than typing in a word or two.