Help with using the maximizer


Is there any way to exclude effects which takes turns to cast when using the maximizer? I keep accidentally doing the roach path with llama gongs when buffing for items, losing steely-eyed squint (and a few adventures) in the process :P
No, there isn't at present. It could be a feature request (and should also request that gongs add adventure cost to the notes - and any other similar, if there are any).
No, there isn't at present. It could be a feature request (and should also request that gongs add adventure cost to the notes - and any other similar, if there are any).

Oh, it does add the adventure cost to the notes, I just click it by mistake anyway :P
I try, but it can be hard to see the adventure cost inbetween all the other info when trying to mark e.g. all buffs below 30k meat cost and +100% item drop, so sometimes it gets included by mistake. It's no biggie though, I just wondered if there was some option I'd missed to filter out buffs on other costs than meat.