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  1. P

    Bug - Fixed "Comprehensively Nourished" and "Bloodthirsty" effects have wrong source

    "Comprehensively Nourished" and "Bloodthirsty" effects have wrong source When maximizing +ML I noticed mafia suggesting "use 1 blood and blood", but it's a booze and should be drunk. Looking for other similar errors, I found that "Comprehensively Nourished" is set to "drink 1 liquid bread"...
  2. P

    Bug - Fixed Mafia made a second set of Jeans of Loathing

    In the above example, my chat commands were as follows: /outfit mpregen /equip p pantsgiving /equip o walford /equip b scuba /equip f das It looks like the game replies to the chat request with a inv_equip.php ajax call. It may be that this does not (or does not always) tell that the charpane...
  3. P

    Bug - Fixed Mafia made a second set of Jeans of Loathing

    Well, one thing I've seen cause it is outfits with off-handed weapons, and then swapping out the off-hand item. It doesn't seem to happen every time or with every combination of off-hand items, though. And in any case, it probably wouldn't be the cause of the above bug, as there is only one...
  4. P

    Bug - Fixed Mafia made a second set of Jeans of Loathing

    So today I notice I'm missing both sea sub-boss pants and I have an extra pair of Jeans of Loathing. Looking back in my logs, I find this: The MPRegen outfit includes the jeans. The outfit switching and subsequent equipping happened entirely through chat (older chat, in case that's...
  5. P

    Bug - Fixed The Road to the White Citadel is zone 413, not 99

    The old ID is still in, which cause a few tracking variables to not work right.
  6. P

    Bug - Fixed Tea tree daily deed code adds listener for Deck of Every Card

    Looks like a copy/paste bug in TeaTreeDaily() in src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/swingui/panel/
  7. P

    Bug - Fixed That 70s Volcano choices don't appear in GUI

    1094 (Back Room SMOOCHing) is still using ChoiceSpoiler.
  8. P

    Bug - Fixed Unsupported choice on demon summoning

    The ingredients are actually consumed, but mafia does not register that they are.
  9. P

    Bug - Fixed That 70s Volcano choices don't appear in GUI

    Those seem to be the ones. But as I was in Bad Moon I didn't want to submit a report just yet, in case that might be why they weren't showing. Now that I'm out I could verify that the choices weren't there even with access to the zone, and tacked my observation onto this thread. I had been...
  10. P

    Bug - Fixed That 70s Volcano choices don't appear in GUI

    That's because they should be using ChoiceAdventure() and not ChoiceSpoiler(). I've been wondering why so many of them have been getting the latter, when the former is more useful in most situations.
  11. P

    Bug - Fixed Unsupported choice on demon summoning

    OK, this is pretty bad ... summoning now fails and consumes your summoning ingredients. I've attached a debug log showing how the game counts this as a failed summoning and then doesn't register the subsequent summoning request. It also includes a correct manual summoning. Losing those...
  12. P

    Feature not recognizing slimeling is empty

    I remember that bothering me a while ago, and giving the problem some thought. Perhaps if detecting the exact moment of empty slimeling isn't terribly important (and indeed it can't actually be done in all situations), it could be done by checking for action when combat is won. AFAIK there are...
  13. P

    Feature - Implemented Choice selection for Back Room SMOOCHing

    Inspired by the attached patch allows you to preselect your desired choice and also highlights the chosen option with a blue border, like in the government lab ESP test. Additionally, the choice adventure detection for...
  14. P

    Bug - Waiting for Info pref "questF05Clancy" remains "unstarted" despite having started

    The previous quest log for this seems to have been (judging by what's in questlog.txt) "Clancy would like you to find the grave of The Luter, so that he can retrieve the lute the Luter looted long ago. Your keen adventuring instincts tell you that the grave is probably near a graveyard."...
  15. P

    Feature Deck of Cards custom button - draw again?

    This has me puzzled ... when I draw randomly through the relay browser, all results have a "draw again" link at the bottom. Or am I misunderstanding what the requested feature is?
  16. P

    Feature Daily Deed for ice sculpture

    Looks like the crappy camera is also missing.
  17. P

    New Content - Implemented shrine to the Barrel god (Sept 2015 IotM)

    I got tired of forgetting to get the daily prayer, so figured a set of daily deed buttons would be just the thing. The expedient solution would be just adding 4 buttons for the CLI commands, but I also wanted to have tooltips showing what exactly I would get, and only show what was available...
  18. P

    Feature - Implemented Breakable items and Maximizer

    I suppose the cozy equipment from the sea would count as breakable. Depending on what you have available, I think it's possible to make a very specific maximization that would select one of those instead of a nonbreakable thing.
  19. P

    New Content - Implemented August 2015 Item of the Month: airplane charter: That 70's Volcano

    mineLayout6 should probably be in defaults.txt, like the other 4 currently available mines. Though it doesn't really have any noticeable consequences that it's not there.
  20. P

    New Content - Implemented Deck of Every Card

    It should be noted that the hatter sizing still leaves a bunch of them wider than the drop-down, but (like with the deck) it's not a big deal, since the detailed information is in the tool-tip. I think the longest deck item would be fight constellation, and I doubt it would bother many people...