Feature not recognizing slimeling is empty

Yesterday my approximate fullness just kept increasing every time I ran out of charges. It's currently "out" of charges at 7.5. According to the wiki, if it doesn't act at all, then it's completely depleted. Any way we could capitalize on this behavior?

Or, at the very least, could someone tell me if there's a way in mafia to clear his expected fullness?
Kay. I asked because slimestack items used to increment charges, but that was fixed a few days ago.

I imagine this is a problem with how fractional charges are handled, though I could be wrong. In any case, mafia has never detected when your slimeling is empty and reset slimelingFullness, but that's not to say it's not a bad idea.

The problem as I see it is just one of complexity. I think the logic is pretty convoluted: if no slimeling action is seen on a round after the first and a quick action was not taken and probably some other stuff.

IIRC smartstasis will reset your slimelingFullness for you, so I've never felt a need to make such a feature request.
In any case, mafia has never detected when your slimeling is empty and reset slimelingFullness, but that's not to say it's not a bad idea.
True. This Feature has never existed in KoLmafia, which is why I am about to change this soi disant Bug into a Feature Request...
Well, I've tracked down why my not-fullness is getting so high... it turns out that I'm feeding him equipment he can't eat.

Mafia assumes it's a success, adds to the fullness, and removes the selected equipment from inventory, which can be seen to not actually go anywhere by refreshing the inventory.

Which -is- a bug.
Text for rejected equipment (that I've tested, just pants) is "[familiar name] approaches the [item] but doesn't seem interested."
OK. Revision 9611 should detect that message and not increment the fullness nor remove the item from inventory.
Not that that has anything to do with the thread title "not recognizing slimeling is empty".
Just a note: r16402 still doesn't recognize empty slimelings.

@Roippi: It seems SS doesn't reset your slimeling pref anymore, otherwise I might not have noticed using a buttload of Mild Curse while SS was waiting for a 1.0 full Slimeling..
Maybe things with fractional values should always be rounded down? Unless claiming that the slimeling is empty when it isn't is worse than claiming that it isn't empty when it is.

I'm pretty sure that checking for lack of an action just isn't going to happen, because there are probably a hundred different ways for that to go wrong.
I remember that bothering me a while ago, and giving the problem some thought. Perhaps if detecting the exact moment of empty slimeling isn't terribly important (and indeed it can't actually be done in all situations), it could be done by checking for action when combat is won. AFAIK there are no situations where you would win a combat and not have the final round show one of the actions indicating it still has some charge left. IIRC, it's a 100% guaranteed action with two possible outcomes (starfishing or nothing), and the final combat round can't be a quick action. If you had a script to feed it whenever the fullness got too low, it would occasionally go a combat empty, which would trigger a reset. But you wouldn't be feeding it more than it used, with the current method for calculating charges from equipment. There might be some weird interaction with familiar-blocking enemies, but they're pretty rare. I think one of the weirdeaux butts might stop it from acting, though I haven't tried with a slimeling.
How about consistently handling the SBIP, staph of homophones, haiku, anapest, temporary blindness, and whatever else I'm forgetting? Looking for any familiar action could catch the slimeling attacking due to equipment it has on, which wouldn't actually count.