Feature Deck of Cards custom button - draw again?


So I use the "custom buttons" mentioned in the relay browser preferences.

When I fight a monsters in the deck of cards, and the fight ends, the 'again' button takes me to my inventory, which seems counterintuitive.

If there was a 'draw again' button, I'd be happy. Is it possible to add this sort of functionality?

(I hope this is the right way to request this new feature)
This has me puzzled ... when I draw randomly through the relay browser, all results have a "draw again" link at the bottom. Or am I misunderstanding what the requested feature is?
Basically, if I understand properly, the request is that mafia tag combats caused directly through drawing random cards with a "draw again" option that replaces the "adventure again" that shows up normally.
I can take a screenshot tomorrow, snce I'm out of deck draws today, that hopefully explains what I'm taking about , PeK
How about if rather than the first option shown being "Back to your Inventory", it was "Back to your Deck of Every Card"? That would allow you to draw or cheat as desired. And that would be where the "again" button would point to.

I use use "cheat" or "play" commands in the CLI, rather than the Relay Browser, but I am all for improving the Relay Browser experience.