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  1. ereinion

    Bug Unexpected behavior from chat when clicking a person's name

    <font color="#7695B4">[02:38]</font> <font color=green><a href="showplayer.php?who=845708"><b>Mod Announcement</b></a>: Warning, studies show that MMG talk is known to cause DramaLlama-Dingdong, /baleet feet, Lean-ePeen, Bragfail and Whinearrhea. If symptoms occur, consult your nearest...
  2. ereinion

    Bug Unexpected behavior from chat when clicking a person's name

    Clicking a mod's name in chat to send them a blue message opens "mod announcement" instead ( I tried clicking both buffy's and mistress of the obvious's name in the screenshot below, with different results.
  3. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    Nah, I ran an ascension script, sl_ascend. I wasn't really paying attention to what appeared when I logged in until that part of the log had probably scrolled past. Anyway, the script seemed to run fine anyway, so I didn't think there was any point in mentioning it until I saw you posting about...
  4. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    Oh, I got something like that when in TCRS too, I assumed it was an issue with the script I was running, but you're saying it's something else?
  5. ereinion

    Farming FunPoints in PirateRealm (work in progress)

    Ah, I have set up a predefined outfit - I'll edit that into the first post. I suppose I could set up a maximizer-string instead.
  6. ereinion

    Farming FunPoints in PirateRealm (work in progress)

    So I wrote a script to farm fun in PirateRealm, and it seems to be working ok. Haven't tested it too much, but from what I can tell it seems to finish the zone the way I thought it should. It follows the strategy for maximizing FunPoints which is detailed on the wiki. It requires you to have an...
  7. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Valhalla relay scrips for pets and consumables

    I for one would appreciate it if you added this to mafia itself, though I suppose if I ever get round to actually doing one of the summer runs I can easily install the script you've added here. Dunno how much of the general public who visits these forums often enough to be aware of that option...
  8. ereinion

    Behavior of break when used in a loop inside a switch

    Thanks. I got a bit confused by the wording on the wiki-page.
  9. ereinion

    Behavior of break when used in a loop inside a switch

    Say I have some code which looks like this: switch (last_choice()) { case 1000: choices = available_choice_options(); foreach key in choices { if (choices[key].contains_text("Whatever")) { run_choice(key)...
  10. ereinion

    visit_url doesn't seem to return any data when visiting Port Beginning

    I am trying to write a small script to farm FunPoints, and in doing so I want to examine the various choices I get at various point during the journey through PirateRealm. So far I have this snippet, but when I look at the file in my data folder after running it, it is empty although I have...
  11. ereinion

    How do I access the record from the 5-parameter version of maximize()?

    Oh, that's some really handy info! Thanks a ton for pointing me in the right direction :-)
  12. ereinion

    How do I access the record from the 5-parameter version of maximize()?

    According to the wiki, I can get a record of the maximizer results by using the five parameter version of the function. Trying "ash maximize("fites, -tie, switch tot, switch disembodied", 0, 1, true, true)" in the cli supports this, printing the contents of the record returned. However if...
  13. ereinion

    sl_ascend - a cc_ascend fork

    In win10, you can go something like "C:\Users\xxx\Program\KoLMafia\svn\soolar-sl_ascend-trunk-RELEASE\data\sl_ascend_equipment.txt" and change line 370 from "weapon 29 Homoerotic Frat-Paddle class:Seal Clubber" to "weapon 29 Orcish Frat-Paddle class:Seal Clubber". Be careful to...
  14. ereinion

    sl_ascend - a cc_ascend fork

    Now I get this instead: Apparently the warning is generated by sl_ascend, but I can't find the text homoerotic frat paddle in any of my files. Can someone give me a pointer to how item_str in the warning message is generated, please, so I can try to put up a temporary fix on my end? -...
  15. ereinion

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    That seems to have done the trick, thanks for the help :-)
  16. ereinion

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    There seems to be some issues with new consumables which can only be consumed by vampires? I haven't played the new path, so not 100% sure about this, but I guess that is the issue? Output to the cli is: > eatdrink Refreshing stash contents... Stash list retrieved. Internal...
  17. ereinion

    Why does my mood fail, saying that I doesn't have enough mana to cast the skill?

    A lot of my scripts are failing today as well, which is a bit of a pain as I don't have a lot of time to play today, and I was hoping for the scripts to get my turns done quickly. I tried searching for a property to change to convince mafia it is not the festival of jarlsberg today, but it...
  18. ereinion

    Feature Have again-button point to most recent zone after eldritch attunement fights

    Hmm. When I try to look at the html for the final screen, with the again button, it shows the html for a screen showing "you're not in a fight" instead of the html of the last combat screen. I have no idea why that is :-P Trying to use the site inspector to look at the button, it merely gives a...
  19. ereinion

    Feature Have again-button point to most recent zone after eldritch attunement fights

    I think it sometimes have sent me back to e.g. the florist friars after getting free fights on the first adventure in a zone? I can't tell for certain offhand though. As for finding out what it points to in the html, I assume looking at the html of the frame and trying to find the button would...
  20. ereinion

    Bug Maximizer excludes some items when checking for price but the field is left blank

    I assumed that when no value was entered into the max meat field it would just print prices for the best item in the slot. I feel almost certain it did so in the past, but it could be I am misremembering. Personally I would prefer it if it searched for all items when nothing is entered into...