Bug Unexpected behavior from chat when clicking a person's name


Clicking a mod's name in chat to send them a blue message opens "mod announcement" instead ( I tried clicking both buffy's and mistress of the obvious's name in the screenshot below, with different results.



  • 1630453072267.png
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Hm. So, it looks like we saw a Mod Announcement from said player, and somehow registered it in ContactManager. That's... surprising, given that ChatParser has this chunk of code:

if ( playerName.equals( "System Message" ) )
    message = new SystemMessage( content );
else if ( playerName.equals( "Mod Warning" ) || playerName.equals( "Mod Announcement" ) )
    message = new ModeratorMessage( channel, playerName, playerId, content );
    ContactManager.registerPlayerId( playerName, playerId );
    message = new ChatMessage( playerName, channel, content, isAction );

Maybe we extracted some extra characters in the player name? Or saw some mixed up case?

Did you end up sending a PM, thereby generating a chat log? And if so, can you paste the name of the corresponding log file?

(I'm at a loss for how to debug this, short of logging on and asking a mod to generate an announcement, with plenty of logging and staring at the raw chat response text. And that's more effort than I feel like putting in right now.)
chatlogs conserve the HTML, right? So if they just submit their chatlog for the day, you can just search for mod announcements, and open the inspector?
That might be good enough, but it's actually not the same HTML that KoL generates -- it's generated by ChatFormatter.

Either way, worth a shot.

@ereinion can you copy-paste chatlog HTML corresponding to one of these mod announcements (probably in /games, probably on the same day that screenshot was taken)?
@ereinion can you copy-paste chatlog HTML corresponding to one of these mod announcements (probably in /games, probably on the same day that screenshot was taken)?
<font color="#7695B4">[02:38]</font> <font color=green><a href="showplayer.php?who=845708"><b>Mod Announcement</b></a>: Warning, studies show that MMG talk is known to cause DramaLlama-Dingdong, /baleet feet, Lean-ePeen, Bragfail and Whinearrhea. If symptoms occur, consult your nearest /exit.</font><br>
Hm. So, that has the coloration that we'd expect for a Mod Announcement. (Also, you may want to scrub those chat logs, or just remove them entirely -- they don't provide anything not covered by the direct quote, and they still contain some references to that secret channel.)