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  1. ereinion

    New Goodies Incoming for

    Is there a link to download the latest build on the new build page? I can't seem to find one...
  2. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Unknow effect "Snowballed" in the snojo

    Got an unknown effect from the snojo today, using r16653: -------------------- 2034 Snowballed snowball.gif 2d1c8621e98ad4df1d4fa8d0fc26f977 Effect Snowballed Muscle Limit: 200, Mysticality Limit: 200, Moxie Limit: 200 -------------------- Wiki-description. If there is any other...
  3. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    Yep, works now. Thanks for the fix!
  4. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    Yeah, and mp. Nothing even show up when I click on "Click to Summon Companion" (the link it point to when I hover over it is charpane.php#, dunno if that is as it should be?) There also seems to be some small issues with the sizing and positioning of text in the blocks for the companion and...
  5. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    Summoning companions as jarlsberg doesn't seem to work, currently. At any rate nothing happens when I click on the "summon companion text" in chit.
  6. ereinion

    Finding the average prices from drawing a random card from the deck of many cards

    I am considering making a script to figure out what my best options are for what to with my draws from the deck of many cards in aftercore. However, after having had a look at how it works for some of the cards giving you items from large item-pools (e.g. the X of Swords or the X of Cups) I...
  7. ereinion

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    A request; when saying no to crafting a food-item, because you'll run out of free crafting turns before crafting all of them (or for any other reason, really, but that's the only one I've run into lately), could you make EatDrink move on to the next best option, instead of retrying the same...
  8. ereinion

    Auto 2-day HCCS

    Is Song of Sauce cast before the script sends you to the Caldera? It does in mine, but I vaguely recall myself putting that in as a fix for problems such as yours.
  9. ereinion

    Barf Mountain Daily Deed

    Here's what I have in my breakfast-script, if you'd rather do it like that: boolean get_garbage() { int funfunds = item_amount($item[FunFunds™]); boolean return_value; if (!to_boolean(get_property("_dinseyGarbageDisposed"))) { if (item_amount($item[bag of park...
  10. ereinion

    Hoe do I check if a skill has an adventure-cost?

    Wow, I can't believe I missed that. Thanks for your help!
  11. ereinion

    Hoe do I check if a skill has an adventure-cost?

    How do I check if a skill has an adventure-cost? I want to write a check to see whether or not I can cast a skill, but into a small trouble with skills like Simmer or Spirit Vacation. The trouble is, since they have an adventure-cost, I can't simply check for have_skill, as I that returns true...
  12. ereinion

    Why does "modtrace myst" and "modtrace mysticality" show different things?

    Yep, that seems to be it. Tried using another g-9 today, and after having a look at the effect it was tracked correctly both when using "modtrace myst" and "modtrace mysticality".
  13. ereinion

    Why does "modtrace myst" and "modtrace mysticality" show different things?

    Why does "modtrace myst" and "modtrace mysticality" show different things? I was trying to figure out what myst-buffs I had earlier today, and thus did a "modtrace myst". I noticed that the effect from the G9 serum didn't show up, so after checking in the relay browser I tried running it again...
  14. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer doesn't consider the Crown of Ed with fish when maximizing for the sea

    529.26 vs 554.26 in the example above. The alternative was a mer-kin scholar mask.
  15. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer doesn't consider the Crown of Ed with fish when maximizing for the sea

    I decided to farm up a mind-destroyer with my aftercore turns today, and thus ran the following string in the maximizer: "item, -tie, -back, -familiar, 0.01 mp regen, -pants, sea" This gave the following result: I was a bit surprised that the Crown of Ed wasn't there, but figured it may just...
  16. ereinion

    Bug - Waiting for Info Infinite loop while adventuring in Madness Bakery

    When encountering the Heart of Madness (choice adventure 1061) while autoadventuring in Madness Bakery, mafia goes into an infinite loop when having it set to the popular machine but not yet having having gotten the part to finish the quest. [506] Madness Bakery Encounter: Heart of Madness...
  17. ereinion

    OCD Inventory control

    Thanks a lot :) Truly I don't change the setup of OCD's data all that often, so I would have been fine with it staying the way it is too, but I am very grateful for you going out of your way to fix this for me. As for it being a browser specific behavior, I very much doubt that it doesn't happen...
  18. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed ash create(int, item) fails with "[¶item#] has no matches"

    Yeah, I don't seem to be getting any errors when running the ash-command in r16355.
  19. ereinion

    OCD Inventory control

    I think you slightly misunderstand what I am asking for. Before you added the search-field, if you hit enter while in a field - either the one for how many to keep or the one appearing after the item-name, the script saved the data entered so far. This was useful because it saved you from...
  20. ereinion

    OCD Inventory control

    Any chance you can change it back so that hitting enter in a field when adding new items to the data-file saves what you've entered so far again? I think it stopped doing this when you added the search box.