Hoe do I check if a skill has an adventure-cost?


How do I check if a skill has an adventure-cost?

I want to write a check to see whether or not I can cast a skill, but into a small trouble with skills like Simmer or Spirit Vacation. The trouble is, since they have an adventure-cost, I can't simply check for have_skill, as I that returns true even if I am out of adventures. Of course I could hardcode what skills require an adventure to get cast, and potentially how many adventures it takes to cast them (I think it's just the 6 level 1 skills at the moment?), but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask if there is some inbuilt function to check for adventure-cost. ashref skill and ashref cost didn't turn up anything, nor did I find anything in the skills' proxy-fields, but I could of course have overlooked something.
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