Barf Mountain Daily Deed

Hello, I'm trying to add a daily deed for the maintenance tunnels, but for item: ashq visit_url("place.php?whichplace=ai rport_stench&action=airport3_tunne ls"); run_choice(6);

It appears to be 'BAD' in the text box.
That doesn't make any sense at all as an item deed. Item deeds use items, they don't execute commands in the CLI. I would do it like this:


Either correct my misconception or tell me that I was helpful.
Here's what I have in my breakfast-script, if you'd rather do it like that:
boolean get_garbage() {
    int funfunds  = item_amount($item[FunFunds™]);
    boolean return_value;
    if (!to_boolean(get_property("_dinseyGarbageDisposed"))) {
        if (item_amount($item[bag of park garbage]) == 0 && ((historical_age($item[bag of park garbage]) > 0.5)? mall_price($item[bag of park garbage]) : historical_price($item[bag of park garbage])) < 2500) {
            buy (1, $item[bag of park garbage]);
        if (funfunds < item_amount($item[FunFunds™])) {
            print("Got 3 FunBucks from garbage-disposal.", "blue");
            return_value = true;
        } else {
            print("Failed to turn in garbage.", "red");
            return_value = false;
        // Exit choice
    } else {
        print("Garbage was already turned in today.", "blue");
        return_value = true;
    return return_value;