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  1. R

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    Sentrion, can you also post the HTML when the helm is not askew?
  2. R

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    Can you post the corresponding HTML without using mafia, and a screenshot as well? I don't even know what it's supposed to look like.
  3. R

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    Sure, I can give it a shot at least.
  4. R

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    The added text is only bold for Muscle, Moxie, and Mysticality modifiers. Ah, I see now. Unfortunately I don't have a Boris Helm so I can't really play around and fix that.
  5. R

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    What exactly is the problem?
  6. R

    Bug - Fixed Incorrect quality for item "Bucket of Wine"

    > ash $item[bucket of wine].quality Returned: good Quality should be listed as decent, not good.
  7. R

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    Version History: r8: Fixed misspelled "mystacality"; added showLogMessages option (if false, suppresses CLI output) 2.2.1: Migrated to SVN. Also added a few new modifiers to the DB. 2.2.0: Now compatible with inventory tab upgrade. 2.1.2: Favorites scanning is performed much less often. 2.1.1...
  8. R

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers 2.2.1 (This script requires ZLib) This is an enhanced version of ckb's Inventory SPOILERZ relay override script. It will display information about the items in your inventory below their name. enhancements script include: MUCH faster (actually usable now) Shows...
  9. R

    Bug - Fixed Incorrect modifier information for item "Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu"

    There seems to be some sort of error when looking at modifiers for "Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu". > ash print(string_modifier("Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu", "Modifiers")) Familiar Weight: +3, Single Equip< Returned: void Note the "<" character after Single Equip. Oddly, this doesn't appear...
  10. R

    Feature Knob Goblin perfume (item) and Knob Goblin Perfume (effect) are not differentiated

    Yes, because both datatypes are being converted to string. I'm working around it with a hack that checks if the effect name is the same as the item name and just not displaying any information about the effect. It's a corner case, certainly, but it stuck me in a nasty infinite loop for my...
  11. R

    Feature Knob Goblin perfume (item) and Knob Goblin Perfume (effect) are not differentiated

    So, this is a bit of a corner case, but executing the code > ash string_modifier("Knob Goblin Perfume", "modifiers") Returned: Effect: "Knob Goblin Perfume", Effect Duration: 1 Will always return the modifier of the item "Knob Goblin perfume", not the effect of the same name. There are a few...
  12. R

    Bug - Fixed Fancypants Scarecrow and Mad Hatrack equip effects listed under "effect" modifier

    Well, the other problem is that the "Modifiers" method doesn't always work either. > ash print(string_modifier("C.H.U.M. lantern", "modifiers")) Stench Damage: +17, Item Drop: [30*loc(Sewer Tunnels)] And your comment sounds awfully like "It's not a bug, it's a feature"... :)
  13. R

    Bug - Fixed Fancypants Scarecrow and Mad Hatrack equip effects listed under "effect" modifier

    Well then I guess the actual bug is that string_modifier() does not work as expected. Also, that technique does not seem to work in reverse: > ash print(string_modifier("eyepatch", "Familiar Effect")) Returned: void In addition, the interface is inconsistent. Consumables don't use modifiers...
  14. R

    Bug - Fixed Fancypants Scarecrow and Mad Hatrack equip effects listed under "effect" modifier

    Fancypants Scarecrow and Mad Hatrack equip effects listed under "effect" modifier I guess I think this is kind of weird and was wondering if this was a mistake or intentional. The "effect" property, for a potion, says any status effect it grants: > ash print(string_modifier("spooky lipstick"...
  15. R

    Bug - Not A Bug CLI 'drink 5 oh, the humanitini' drinks 6 instead

    I'll post the CLI output: > drink 5 oh, the humanitini Drinking 6 Oh, the Humanitini... You gain 10 Adventures You gain 19 Beefiness You gain 19 Enchantedness You gain 17 Sarcasm You gain 36 hit points You gain 2 Drunkenness You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze You gain 11 Adventures You...
  16. R

    PsyMar's softcore checklist

    Definitely cool! The only thing I'm not sure about, is what do the different colors mean?
  17. R

    Bug - Not A Bug CCS based on location should not trigger against Nemesis assassins

    I have a custom CCS to use the dictionary in the orc chasm. The only problem is, when thugs from my nemesis show up, my character still uses the dictionary against them. I think these monsters should be considered to be from a special area.
  18. R

    Character Info Toolbox

    This certainly fixes the problem, but of course I don't like the full trail there like that.