Enhanced Inventory Spoilers


Enhanced Inventory Spoilers 2.2.1

(This script requires ZLib)

This is an enhanced version of ckb's Inventory SPOILERZ relay override script. It will display information about the items in your inventory below their name.


enhancements script include:

  • MUCH faster (actually usable now)
  • Shows adventures/fullness (and drunkenness/spleen)
  • Shows stats/fullness (and drunkenness/spleen)
  • Fixes a bug where an item description vanishes after consuming one
  • Shows percent modifiers as %
  • Colors for elemental modifiers, bold for Mainstat modifiers
  • In general, makes the output look a bit more natural
  • Plugs in to Hagnk's Storage
  • Sorts modifier by relative importance instead of alphabetically
  • Includes some general improvements
  • Starred favorite items

Current issues:
  • Due to a KoL limitation, favorited items which are equipped are not identified as favorites until they are unequipped.
  • Due to a different KoL limitation, when you favorite an item it won't appear starred until you refresh the inventory page.

This builds on ckb's work, which itself includes work from lostcalpolydude, BCC, and Veracity. Credit goes to all of them for the basis for this project. Improvements above are mine.

Installation instructions: Run the following code in your CLI:

svn checkout http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rlbond86-mafia-scripts/code/enhanced_inventory_spoilers/trunk

If you are upgrading, you may need to restart KoLmafia.
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Version History:

r8: Fixed misspelled "mystacality"; added showLogMessages option (if false, suppresses CLI output)
2.2.1: Migrated to SVN. Also added a few new modifiers to the DB.
2.2.0: Now compatible with inventory tab upgrade.
2.1.2: Favorites scanning is performed much less often.
2.1.1: Left storage.ash out of the zip file by accident in the previous update.
2.1.0: Favorited items are now starred. A link to Hagnk's is shown on inventory. The name of a photocopied monster is shown in inventory.
2.0.1: Fixed a minor annoyance where "+X Elemental Resistance" did not have non-breaking spaces.
2.0.0: Prismatic Damage and Elemental Resistance are now colorful and more concise; Outfits may now be shown and are in color if you own them (or are in Hagnk's and can be pulled today); Damage Absorption in armor is shown as a "+X" modifier to Power; changed version numbering scheme.
1.32: KoLmafia has changed how floating-point numbers are displayed; this update fixes a rounding issue. Also, "encounter rate" has been renamed "combat rate" to match the wiki.
1.31: Critical hit modifiers were listed like "+3x critical chance", but were changed to the correct "3x critical chance".
1.3: Consumables and equipment which are quest items are highlighted. Unknown items are indicated. Various display tweaks.
1.2: Improved display of Boris's helm. Variable-modifier items are more explicitly stated. Improved debug messages. Various tweaks.
1.1: Fixed bug where Hagnk storage count was not automatically updated.
1.0: Initial Release.
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I was wondering the same thing... the only guess I could come up with is the "Twist Horns" link being way off to the side, but KoL itself does some wonky stuff with the links for "non-standard" actions, so... whatchagonnado?
Sure, I can give it a shot at least.
Sorry for the delay. Been busy leaderboarding and all that good stuff.

Here's the relevant section, with a bit of surrounding code:
<b>Current Equipment:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><div><table id='curequip' class="stuffbox"><tr><td align=right valign=center><a class=nounder href="#Hats">Hat</a>:</td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/borishelmaskew.gif" class=hand onClick='descitem(253607655,0, event)';></td><td><b>Boris's Helm (askew)</b><br><small class="spoilertext">+5 Familiar Weight, +1 Minstrel Level, +25% Initiative, Monster Level +15, +50% Weapon Damage, Free Pull</small> <font size=1>(Power: 100)</font> <a href="inv_equip.php?pwd=8c2ba72edd9cee9d13daf75dd8323dd0&which=2&action=unequip&type=hat" ><font size=1>[unequip]</font></a></td><td colspan=2><a href=inventory.php?action=twisthorns&slot=hat&pwd=8c2ba72edd9cee9d13daf75dd8323dd0><font size=1>[twist horns]</font></a> </td><tr><td align=right valign=center><a class=nounder href="#Weapons">Weapon</a>:</td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/trusty.gif" class=hand onClick='descitem(846990311,0, event)';></td><td><b>Trusty</b><br><small class="spoilertext"><strong>Muscle +5</strong></small> <font size=1>(Power: 100, 2h)</font> <a href="inv_equip.php?pwd=8c2ba72edd9cee9d13daf75dd8323dd0&which=2&action=unequip&type=weapon" class="twohand"><font size=1>[unequip]</font></a></td><td></td><td></td>
Sorry for the delay. Been busy leaderboarding and all that good stuff.

Here's the relevant section, with a bit of surrounding code:
<b>Current Equipment:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><div><table id='curequip' class="stuffbox"><tr><td align=right valign=center><a class=nounder href="#Hats">Hat</a>:</td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/borishelmaskew.gif" class=hand onClick='descitem(253607655,0, event)';></td><td><b>Boris's Helm (askew)</b><br><small class="spoilertext">+5*Familiar*Weight, +1*Minstrel*Level, +25%*Initiative, Monster*Level*+15, +50%*Weapon*Damage, Free Pull</small> <font size=1>(Power: 100)</font> <a href="inv_equip.php?pwd=8c2ba72edd9cee9d13daf75dd8323dd0&which=2&action=unequip&type=hat" ><font size=1>[unequip]</font></a></td><td colspan=2><a href=inventory.php?action=twisthorns&slot=hat&pwd=8c2ba72edd9cee9d13daf75dd8323dd0><font size=1>[twist*horns]</font></a>*</td><tr><td align=right valign=center><a class=nounder href="#Weapons">Weapon</a>:</td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/trusty.gif" class=hand onClick='descitem(846990311,0, event)';></td><td><b>Trusty</b><br><small class="spoilertext"><strong>Muscle*+5</strong></small> <font size=1>(Power: 100, 2h)</font> <a href="inv_equip.php?pwd=8c2ba72edd9cee9d13daf75dd8323dd0&which=2&action=unequip&type=weapon" class="twohand"><font size=1>[unequip]</font></a></td><td></td><td></td>

Can you post the corresponding HTML without using mafia, and a screenshot as well? I don't even know what it's supposed to look like.
Can you post the corresponding HTML without using mafia, and a screenshot as well? I don't even know what it's supposed to look like.
<b>Current Equipment:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><div><table id='curequip' class="stuffbox"><tr><td align=right valign=center><a class=nounder href="#Hats">Hat</a>:</td><td><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/borishelmaskew.gif" class=hand onClick='descitem(253607655,0, event)';></td><td><b>Boris's Helm (askew)</b> <font size=1>(Power: 100)</font> <a href="inv_equip.php?pwd=4ea3303726db41385d74fd97581134f3&which=2&action=unequip&type=hat" ><font size=1>[unequip]</font></a></td><td colspan=2><a href=inventory.php?action=twisthorns&slot=hat&pwd=4ea3303726db41385d74fd97581134f3><font size=1>[twist horns]</font></a> </td><tr><td align=right valign=center><a class=nounder href="#Weapons">Weapon</a>:</td><td><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/trusty.gif" class=hand onClick='descitem(846990311,0, event)';></td><td><b>Trusty</b> <font size=1>(Power: 100, 2h)</font> <a href="inv_equip.php?pwd=4ea3303726db41385d74fd97581134f3&which=2&action=unequip&type=weapon" class="twohand"><font size=1>[unequip]</font></a></td><td></td><td></td>
