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  1. ckb

    Where is the Automation section of the Preferences window documented?

    There is some automation script documentation here:
  2. ckb

    New Content Summer 2023 special challenge path - Legacy of Loathing

    the replica Jurassic Parka does not work with the CLI 'parka' command > parka pterodactyl You need a Jurassic Parka to pull tabs on your Jurassic Parka.
  3. ckb

    WTF Relay script collection

    From "modifiers.txt": # big rock is used as a placeholder for "the ground" (when you have no housing) Item big rock Base Resting HP: +4, Base Resting MP: +5
  4. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Prefs file backup/restore Draft PR

    I agree with frono. I'm not against this, just that it might not be the super solution to this problem. What happens if the user does not notice prefs missing right away, and the backup is also messed up? Better to suggest a user use something like dropbox backup that stores multiple version...
  5. ckb

    New Content New Shadow Rift NCs, buffs, and buff extension

    I automated my turns in the Rift yesterday after starting a new run, trying to adventure in Shadow Rift (The Misspelled Cemetary). Something weird happened and I just got tumbleweeds until I tried manually going into a different Rift via Relay Browser. Not sure if it is related to KoL or Mafia...
  6. ckb

    New Content New Shadow Rift NCs, buffs, and buff extension

    My choiceAdventureStript worked just fine today for A Labyrinth of Shadows For reference, my script is this: void main(int choice, string page) { print("In choiceAdventure"+choice,"blue"); switch (choice) { case 1499: //A Labyrinth of Shadows if...
  7. ckb

    New Content New Shadow Rift NCs, buffs, and buff extension

    FWIW I successfully automated the artifact quest with a choiceAdventureScript for choiceAdventure1499, using foreach ii,ss in available_choice_options(true) { if (contains_text(ss,get_property("rufusQuestTarget"))) { nn = ii; } } run_choice(nn)
  8. ckb

    New Content New Shadow Rift NCs, buffs, and buff extension

    I would like to second this request - it would be great to be able to set "choiceAdventure1499" to something that would automatically get the artifact (or even the desired buff). As it is now, the only way to script this is to process available_choice_options() after a visit_url() If you are...
  9. ckb

    New Content Spring 2023 special challenge path - Avatar of Shadows Over Loathing

    The replacement bosses have varying degrees of Physical resist. My initial spading has these numbers: [two-headed shadow bat] = 100% physical res [goblin king's shadow] = 50% physical res [shadowboner shadowdagon] = 80% physical res [shadow of groar] = 100% physical res [corruptor shadow] =...
  10. ckb

    New Content Spring 2023 special challenge path - Avatar of Shadows Over Loathing

    I think I have these fixed now. My Git-fu is extremely weak, and the whoe branch/main thing still confuses me, but I do understand how to delete tabs, so hopefully it is ok now.
  11. ckb

    New Content Spring 2023 special challenge path - Avatar of Shadows Over Loathing

    The AOSOL skills currently have the wrong level in classskills.txt, partially because the skill ID and order of level/availability is not straightforward. PR submitted.
  12. ckb

    Bug Changing enemies do not update correctly

    After casting BACK-UP TO YOUR LAST ENEMY: fight html has this: HP: 282, Atk: 145, Def: 377, Type: horror ... <!-- MONSTERID: 1974 --> ... <script type="text/javascript">var monsterstats = {"hp":"290","def":"397","off":"165"};</script> I assume the first set of numbers is from Mafi and the...
  13. ckb

    Bug Changing enemies do not update correctly

    I admit I don't totally know what is happening in the background of the fight, just that what Mafia shows for Atk/Def/HP are wrong, and that these get out of syn when the Manuel info is on the page. After another round, it is back in sync, because Mafia probably does something else, or maybe...
  14. ckb

    Bug Changing enemies do not update correctly

    Using a skill or item than changes a monster (Back-Up to your Last Enemy, Macrometeorite, CHEAT CODE: Replace Enemy, tangle of rat tails) does not seem to correctly update the monster stats. With monster manuel, I can see the updated stats, but they do not match what Mafia thinks they are...
  15. ckb

    New Content - Implemented World Event: Shadow Rifts

    The shadow monsters scale and get added resistance the more you fight. Currently I believe the elemental resistance is +1% per monster fought per day (max 90%) - similar to how the Crimbo monsters scaled in resistance. It would be helpful to have a preference of "_shadowMonstersFought" or some...
  16. ckb

    Feature User-Defined Stylesheet

    Would this need to be a per-user property? If you just add a feature that includes a customMafiaRelay.css, then a user can add whatever they want to that, or not. No property needed, no need for a filename lookup.
  17. ckb

    Feature User-Defined Stylesheet

    The beauty of css is that is is cascading! No need to replace basics.1.css, we just need to write in an addition (like custom.1.css or something). That way a user can add whatever they want and it will supersede any css in basics. (FWIW we did this for ChIT long ago so we could allow users to...
  18. ckb

    How to have a combat script/macro abort if a battle isn't finished fast enough?

    A consult script would be the most detailed and effective way to do it, but you could do something that gets part of the way there with BALLS (KoL) macros. You can check 'missed' or 'monsterhpabove' or 'monsterhpbelow'
  19. ckb

    New Content deed to Oliver's Place

    For Science! void get_milkcap() { buffer page; page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=speakeasy&action=olivers_sot"); if (contains_text(page,"Fancy Dan taps you on the shoulder")) { page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=speakeasy&action=olivers_sot"); } if...