Bug Changing enemies do not update correctly


Staff member
Using a skill or item than changes a monster (Back-Up to your Last Enemy, Macrometeorite, CHEAT CODE: Replace Enemy, tangle of rat tails) does not seem to correctly update the monster stats.
With monster manuel, I can see the updated stats, but they do not match what Mafia thinks they are. taking another combat action causes these stats to update, but reloading the page does not.
Is there a way to refresh the monster stats?
Can this be forced after a monster-changing event during combat?

See example below, note monsters stats go up after I cast Weaksauce (output from Mafia and highlights are mine)

[296] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor)
Preference lastEncounter changed from Renaissance Giant to Foodie Giant
Encounter: Foodie Giant
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20230219044104 to 20230219044227
Round 0: ckb1 wins initiative!

> ckb-consult: Round 1: Fighting a Foodie Giant at The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) with 36 ML
> Monster: Atk=165, Def=157, HP=184, PDmg=8 (1%), Hit=false, PRes=14 Phylum=humanoid

Round 1: ckb1 executes a macro!
Round 1: ckb1 tries to steal an item!
Round 2: ckb1 casts BACK-UP TO YOUR LAST ENEMY!
Round 3: your opponent becomes an Eldritch Tentacle!
Round 3: You lose 9 hit points
Preference _backUpUses changed from 2 to 3

> ckb-consult: Round 2: Fighting a Eldritch Tentacle at The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) with 36 ML
> Monster: Atk=204, Def=197, HP=147, PDmg=3 (1%), Hit=true, PRes=50 Phylum=horror

(refresh the page in the Relay browser)
> ckb-consult: Round 3: Fighting a Eldritch Tentacle at The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) with 36 ML
> Monster: Atk=204, Def=197, HP=147, PDmg=3 (1%), Hit=true, PRes=50 Phylum=horror

Round 3: ckb1 casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE!
Round 4: Eldritch Tentacle drops 4 attack power.
Round 4: Eldritch Tentacle drops 5 defense.
Round 4: You lose 36 hit points

> ckb-consult: Round 4: Fighting a Eldritch Tentacle at The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) with 36 ML
> Monster: Atk=272, Def=264, HP=174, PDmg=10 (2%), Hit=true, PRes=50 Phylum=horror

Round 4: ckb1 executes a macro!
Round 4: ckb1 casts SAUCESTORM!
Round 5: Eldritch Tentacle takes 57 damage.
Round 5: Eldritch Tentacle takes 62 damage.
Round 5: Eldritch Tentacle drops 6 attack power.
Round 5: Eldritch Tentacle drops 4 defense.
Round 5: You lose 32 hit points
Round 5: ckb1 casts SAUCESTORM!
Round 6: Eldritch Tentacle takes 57 damage.
Round 6: Eldritch Tentacle takes 62 damage.
Round 6: Eldritch Tentacle drops 6 attack power.
Round 6: Eldritch Tentacle drops 5 defense.
Round 6: ckb1 wins the fight!
After Battle: ck-Bookicus seems to dance around in the air near bits of food.
You acquire an item: eldritch effluvium
You acquire an item: eldritch effluvium
After Battle: You gain 21 Strongness
After Battle: You gain 17 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 38 Sarcasm
After Battle: ck-Bookicus rattles, "If my ancient memory serves, I suggested looking in The Haunted Billiards Room."
After Battle: You gain 1 Enchantedness
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference eldritchTentaclesFought changed from 13 to 14
Preference familiarSweat changed from 94 to 97
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Didn’t we talk about how KoL doesn’t give you any information about the new monster’s stats when you change enemies on the next response to a fight?

I’ll see if I can find the bug report where we discussed that.

If your issue is that we don’t update from Manuel, well, maybe that is different.
I admit I don't totally know what is happening in the background of the fight, just that what Mafia shows for Atk/Def/HP are wrong, and that these get out of syn when the Manuel info is on the page. After another round, it is back in sync, because Mafia probably does something else, or maybe KoL gives more info.
Such is beyond my knowledge.
fight html has this:

HP: 282, Atk: 145, Def: 377, Type: horror


<!-- MONSTERID: 1974 -->


<script type="text/javascript">var monsterstats = {"hp":"290","def":"397","off":"165"};</script>

I assume the first set of numbers is from Mafi and the last is from KoL as it matches the Manuel display.