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  1. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    charpane.php indicates Research Points available as such <tr><td align=right>Research Points:</td><td align=left><b>118</b></font></td></tr> It would be nice to update property "wereProfessorResearchPoints" with this.
  2. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Not that it ever really matters, but if you only have 1 research point, the parsing does not work: <p>You have 1 research point (rp). > get wereProfessorResearchPoints 0
  3. ckb

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    Thank you!
  4. ckb

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    Added 'Drops Items' modifier in r27847. I am calling this done. If there is desire to add a reminder to equip shoes before planning the bean I will leave that up to someone else to write a PR or submit a new feature request.
  5. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    You can macro-ify Advanced Research with "skill Advanced Research; " Now that it is in classskills.txt and Mafia knows about it, you can probably just call it like any other combat skill in a CCS
  6. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Prefs for Rend, Bite, and Kick would be useful to know when you are a Beast as the skill changes depending on what level they are. My early spading is thus: Rend1 = buffedmuscle physical damage Rend2 = 1.50*Rend1 Rend3 = Rend2 + HP restore Bite1 = buffedmyst stench damage Bite2 =...
  7. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    I see @Veracity has PRs for some updates. I just completed my first run and I am listing thoughts for some other things to do: Track the skills known at the Research Bench, probably through a property or something similar to "wereProfessorStomach" and "wereProfessorLiver" This might only...
  8. ckb

    Forum help and cleanup

    I don't know nearly enough to be a Dev (just enough for the occasional PR), but I am happy to take on the role of Minion. I am finding myself with a bit of time and some interest in making some Mafia PRs, so I am going through old Bugs and Feature Request (starting with my own). It would be...
  9. ckb

    Forum help and cleanup

    This forum is great, and I really appreciate all the help it provides. The bug reports section has multiple prefixes for various things, but they are not regularly cleaned up to mark bugs fixed or features implemented. I would offer to do that, but I do not have access or rights for such...
  10. ckb

    Knott Slanding is "banished" in Mafia

    Do you have beasts banished via Eagle Screech?
  11. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Add [turn] to Rain Man log

    Added in r27836
  12. ckb

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    Is it required to have the shoes equipped to gain the extra stats?
  13. ckb

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    I am not sure how we would add that info to Mafia. There is no special modifier for "gain stats when you plan an enchanted bean"
  14. ckb

    Bug KM27822 drunkenness out of whack

    This is a known issue and a mystery. See this thrtead: Also - this post has a hacky fix.
  15. ckb

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    I just submitted a PR for the banish management of Spring Kick. This is my first Java PR, and I am gently trying to follow what has been done in previous banish skills.
  16. ckb

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    spring shoes Combat Initiative +100% Moxie +20% +50% Chance of Critical Hit Nature springs up after each step Things to do: Add new items (done, r27820) Add 3 new skills (done, r27822) Add banish management for Spring Kick (done, r27832) Add modifier modifier "Drops Items" (done, r27847)
  17. ckb

    WTF Relay script collection

    I finally figured out how to make SVN work again so made an update to add init to Mu. Most of the other fam details come from KolMafia data file familiats.txt If that needs to be updated you will have to submit a PR to Mafia itself. I did notice that Piranha Plant has type "combat" instead of...
  18. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Add [turn] to Rain Man log

    Bumping this and adding a request to add [turn] info for mimic egg use (similar to other monster copied fights work). This includes: photocopied monster, Chateau Painting, Combat Lover's Locket, Spooky Putty Monster, Rain-Doh box full of monster, etc. This really helps with parsing of run logs.
  19. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    My hacky fix is to put this in my afteradventure script: if (my_inebriety()>inebriety_limit()) { cli_execute("modtrace liver"); }
  20. ckb

    Feature - Rejected Archive old sessions to reduce file size

    Also this: