Knott Slanding is "banished" in Mafia

Yesterday I had a window in my KoL activities, but hadn't much time, so I decided to try my luck with UR monsters. But the first tried zone - The Icy Peak - has Knott Slanding "banished" in Mafia
Is it mean something? I definitely didn't banish him - I didn't see him in years, if ever. Mafia bug, or some mechanics I am not aware of?
Hardly. I even have no idea what is Eagle Screech and where can I acquire it. It's a simple long aftercore after Pokerun, so I hardly can have any special skills.
Eagle Screech is the Patriotic Eagle familiar's banish skill. I've noticed that Wham sometimes uses familiar skills when avaible. I had to add those to my WHAMdon'tuse list.