Bug KM27822 drunkenness out of whack


New member
KM27822 - JAVA 17.0.8 - Win11 10.0.22631.3155

drunkenness 20/20.
logging in this is set correctly.
on adventuring it's set to 20/14.
"you're too drunk..."
refresh session doesn't fix it.
logging out and logging back in does.
(none of that seems to have been recorded in the session logs. (wtaf?))
is this a known problem?

ETA: is there a way to record what appears in the graphical CLI window as the session text?
IIRC mirror will write everything that goes to the gCLI to a named file.

This sounds like there is an adjustment that is correctly computed at login but incorrectly recomputed later.

modtrace at login and after it is downgraded might tell us what. I think "modtrace liver" but I'm not certain of the parameter.