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    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I've also been having problems. In KoLMafia, I'd just been getting long delays followed by "There was a problem accessing the Map Manager" error messages. With my browser, I've been getting connection timeouts. I can ping the server successfully. And if everything is working for other people, I...
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    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    WHAM wouldn't work for me with a Nanorhino. I haven't really looked into how BatBrain actually works, so for now, all I know is that the issue comes from the "rate unspaded" in Nanorhino's entry in batfactors.txt, which famevent reads and passes on to eval.
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    Bug - Fixed Custom Combat antidote use causing aborts when antidote unavailable

    I posted an apparently redundant report on this. To me, this seems pretty clear-cut. There are two uses for the autoAntidote setting. One is for during combat, via and Those tell Mafia to use the anti-anti-antidote in combat if one is available and if the...
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    New Content - Implemented Anti-anti-antidotes in Kingdom of Exploathing

    When trying to automatically adventure in a poison-containing zone, if autoAntidote is set, Mafia will try to automatically acquire some anti-anti-antidotes. These aren't available in KoE, however, so that path should be added as an exception the same way certain other paths already are.
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    New Content - Implemented Chateau still inaccessible in Kingdom of Exploathing

    Now that Kingdom of Exploathing is no longer the active path, it doesn't follow standard restrictions. However, certain features, like the Chateau, are still unavailable. Right now, "rest free" will attempt to use the Chateau and fail. It should instead use a source of resting that's still...
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    Feature HP burning in HP/MP Usage for Dark Gyffte skills

    The skill in question, Blood Bubble, isn't one that's part of the Dark Gyffte path itself. Doing Dark Gyffte while it was in season gave a tradeable Booke of Vampyric Knowledge, which gives a skill based on current class. These can then be used in any path that allows permed skills. And all of...
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    WTF Relay script collection

    In the crafting discoveries, I'm only getting the effects of the script on the right column. EDIT: This is no longer the case.
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    Bug - Fixed _voteFreeFights not incremented when enemy is hit by macrometeorite

    It's working for me. When my _voteFreeFights was 2, I encountered the vote monster on the beach. In combat, I checked and saw that _voteFreeFights had been incremented to 3, where it stayed after I cast macrometeorite and killed the lobsterfrogman.
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    Bug - Fixed _voteFreeFights not incremented when enemy is hit by macrometeorite

    If you wear you "I Voted!" sticker and fight the resulting monster, but then hit it with a macrometeorite (I did this to get a lobsterfrogman), the _voteFreeFights variable remains what it was before the fight. However, I can confirm that the actual number of free fights does get used up this...
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    Feature - Implemented Default goals for Copperhead Club quest

    The Copperhead Club itself could use a "choiceadv" default goal. The Smut Orc Logging Camp should have "The Lacrosse Stick of Lacoronado" as a default goal; that's the item Shen wants you to get from there.
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    Bug - Fixed Mime army shotglass use not detected with speakeasy drinks

    I drank a Lucky Lindy via the CLI, but _mimeArmyShotglassUsed was still set to false.
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    New Content - Implemented Spacegate access badge

    Oh, sorry. I'll work around that, then.
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    New Content - Implemented Spacegate access badge

    It seems that right now, _spacegateTurnsLeft is updated only when you visit the terminal (which you're normally unlikely to do after choosing a destination). It seems like that should also decrement after each adventure through the spacegate.
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    prefix, postfix and operator expectations

    I'm confused as to why you expected the result you expected. The difference between ++num and num++ is present in many languages. Both increment num, but the former evaluates to the value num has after incrementing while the latter evaluates to the value num has before incrementing. ASH also...
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    New Content - Implemented Gingerbread City

    It's not that "food" and "booze" are plural, but that they're (usually) uncountable, in the same way as, for example, grass, money or water. In those case where a singular or plural is used, it's generally for different types rather than different individual objects. So one might use gear to...
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    New Content - Implemented Gingerbread City

    I have these two lines in my session log:
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    New Content - Implemented November 2016 IOTM - Granny Tood's Thanksgarden Catalog

    Turkey blaster is listed as having fullness, when it's really a spleen item.
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    Feature - Implemented Belilafs Comedy Club default goal

    I'm shocked and amused that it was my own thread you merged it into. I did indeed forget about that.