Feature - Implemented Belilafs Comedy Club default goal


Right now, the default goal in Belilafs Comedy Club is 5 imp air. If you're adventuring there for the quest, you'll also want the observational glasses, so maybe those should also be added to the default goal.
Add observational glasses as default goal

In The Laugh Floor of Pandamonium, if you're doing the steel organ quest, you'll want to adventure until you get the observational glasses. I think this should be added as a default goal.
Threads merged. adeyke probably just forgot about this old request since it has been four years. I wholeheartedly agree with this goal since I'm often typing it.

While we're considering the zone's goals can we also add "1 Hey Deze map" to the Pandamonium Slums. There are a lot of goals in the Pandamonium Slums already, but the Hey Deze map is the one I'm often typing when I expect to be in aftercore for a few days.